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Mike Shinoda also explains why the track "Lost" was left off the record.


"We had very good moments together. We did really cool things together and I'm so grateful for it. And of course there are things...

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"I don't think it's about their influence; it's about their sales."

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"There's going to be so much planning and stewing to make that happen."

It's Just Business

There are no guarantees on the road these days.

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The band went gear shopping, too, so it's going to sound sick.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

The music that powers the staff of this ungodly service. Gatekeeper – "Twisted Towers" With new guitarist Adam Bergen replacing Kenny Kroecher in 2019...


"Death metal is dead and loving it, and FAITHXTRACTOR is here to prove it."

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And their first new album since 2015.

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"I don't want to over-promise anything before it materializes."


This album gives death new meaning. It is ART in its PUREST form.