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Search results for "melvins"


Though stylistically adventurous, the unifying thread across The Gospel lies in adherence to an interrelated group of early-to-mid 1980's musical genres, namely the aforementioned...


Bands such as Native Construct, Caligula's Horse, and now Moon Tooth provide a cohesive melting pot of all previous aspects of progressive metal. These...

Weekly Injection

Happy trample people for a Bratz doll day nerds! This Black Friday Edition (which is really a pretty standard edition) features new stuff from...


The sound displayed on True Will is exactly what is to be expected on a decent debut album. White Widows Pact excel within their...


Germany’s Pyogenesis is probably most renowned, or reviled, for the drastic transformation they’ve made over the course of their existence and subsequent rejuvenation. Specifically,...

Latest News

They're thinking it might be along the lines of 2005's In The Arms Of God

Earnings & Attendance

Who drew more people/money: Slayer or Smashing Pumpkins & Marilyn Manson?

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to King Honkey who had the best zinger: Buzz: You fit this whole thing in your ass?...


Black Age Blues, being the first full length Goatsnake recording in 15 years, and the most recent music in any format since 2004, would...


Lombardo has harsh words for one or more of his replacements.


"I think metal is so fucking boring that I wanna stab my eyes out with screwdrivers."

At The Movies

Don't be afraid.


Those in the know still get a perverse kick in being able to thrust this band upon the unsuspecting.


Pord offer their own sumthin’-sumthin’ to the noise rock cannon and have a sense of identity that’s greater than being a bunch of French...

Latest News

If you haven't heard of Whores. yet, you are sleeping under a rock. The noise trio are hitting the road in support of their...


Eyehategod have never really went away so much as just splintered back into their plethora of side projects before any meaningful amount of songwriting...


Nirvana is a complicated subject, especially when considering where they fit into the framework of metal, punk, hardcore and other extreme music in general....


We found the one person who doesn't like Dave Grohl.

Upcoming Releases

The band are currently holed up at Type Foundry Studio in Portland, OR.