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Best of 2013

We asked our videographer Frank Huang to let us know what were his favorite shows to shoot live. You can watch all of Frank's...

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…a dude you probably never heard of.


Heavy metal’s favorite holiday is tomorrow. Whether you’re putting together the soundtrack for a crazy party or just trying to get some songs together...


The new EP from Whores, out October 29th. Order it here. Recorded this past May by Ryan Boesch (Melvins, Helmet, Tomahawk, Fu Manchu) at...

Tour Dates

Last week, we learned that Eyehategod would definitely be playing Phil Anselmo's Housecore Horror Festival in Austin, TX and that Melvins drummer Dale Crover...


Årabrot are one of those bands like the Melvins, who peddle adventurous, forward-thinking music that insistently pokes at the edges of the envelope, all to...


2013 seems to be the year for side projects to rear their ugly heads. While some have been uglier than others like the Temple...


1990 called, it wants more doom! But don't worry, that's a good thing. From the streets of Dallas comes True Widow, a band known for...

Latest News

Here's either the best news you've heard or all day or the worst! It really depends on what bands you wanted to see and...

The FiX

KEN Mode hosts this week's episode of the fix with videos from Melvins, Neurosis, Van Halen, Mastodon, and Kittens

Tour Dates

Last week, the fest revealed half it's lineup but now we have the full listing…

Tour Dates

Scion Rock Fest is basically the best thing ever. While people might complain about Scion putting their corporate paws into the metal world, there...

Latest News

Yeah, I know; I'm at the point of barely even giving a crap either. The fact of the matter is that as much as...

Best of 2012

Here are my favorite albums of the year:

Latest News

A few weeks ago, we reported on the sad news that Hydra Head Records would be shutting down in the next few months. Today,...


Legendary metal act Carcass reunited in 2008 and everybody who knew about the band went apeshit. They were one of the most named bands in...


It's always exciting when two people with a lot of money get pissed at each other over very trivial circumstances. Such is the case...

Injection Reflection

What a week it's been. As we say goodbye to September, let's look back at the ten most visited pages this week. Remember, there...

Upcoming Releases

Last week, I posted that Kylesa was coming out with a rarities album, and I found out later in the day that ISIS is...


Stream the album in full at themusic.com.au If you had asked me several years ago if I ever thought a band like France’s Gojira...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...


Dopesmoker was never gonna fly; not as an album title, not on a major label. It was actually the least of the band's worries....

Clip of the Day

[tv]https://metalinjection.net/tv/view/8222/fantomas-slayer-medley[/tv] While trolling the interwebs, I found this incredible clip from an unknown Fantomas live show of the band performing the weirdest Slayer medley...