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Alongside an increasingly sexier music video.

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"Now when I was young I never really liked the Misfits."


“I love and respect John very much, but I don’t love and respect his American political views."


He's a legitimate guitar god, an established road warrior, and he's not taking this pandemic downtime lightly. John Petrucci has been anything but idle in...

Live Footage

Scream originally existed between 1981 and 1990. The band broke up and then-drummer Dave Grohl went on to join Nirvana, though Scream would get...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank chats with Johannes Andersson of TRIBULATION about their latest release 'Where Gloom Becomes Sound', Quarantine, Member Changes, Gothic Origins, Fatherhood & More. Pick...

Metal Merch

The Knowledge and The Beast are here.

Shocking Revelations

Gina Carano is an MMA legend who had it made, then she couldn't stop saying dumb shit and the massive corporation who employed her...

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"My life will be complete if I get endorsed by the Japanese group BABYMETAL."

New Music

Papa Roach's most famous song is arguably their nu-metal hit, "Last Resort," and now the group have released a remix almost 20 years after...

Bands and Booze

Ohms Pale Ale will be available on February 1.

Around the Interwebs

Earlier today, we posted the Foo Fighters performance from yesterday's (Jan. 20th) Presidential Inauguration ceremony. While many lauded the performance, there was one creature...

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"I was shocked at how fucking disgusting it was."

New Music

"Last fall, as I was driving my daughter to school, she turned to me and asked, 'Daddy, is there going to be a war?'"


System of A Down drummer John Dolmayan condemned the actions of the Trump supporters who raided the U.S. Capitol building, leaving four people dead....

Music Videos

It might be the coolest music video I've seen in a while.

Upcoming Releases

A lot of metalheads were taken aback a few months ago, when Miley Cyrus revealed she was working on a Metallica covers album with...

Mashups & Covers

Two Minutes To Late Night has released what is likely the last in their ongoing Bedroom Cover series for 2020, and it's the first...