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Dave Grohl Recalls Lemmy's Super Gross Apartment

"I was shocked at how fucking disgusting it was."


Motörhead legend Lemmy was a larger than life character whose presence will grace stories for years to come. This time, the tale comes from Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl regarding Lemmy's "fucking disgusting" apartment.

According to Grohl in an interview with Classic Rock Magazine, the place was a magazine graveyard and Lemmy was only wearing black bikini underwear the whole time.

"I was shocked at how fucking disgusting it was," recalls Grohl. "These aisles of magazines and VHS tapes, stacked three to four feet high, Lemmy sitting on the couch, in his black bikini underwear with a spiderweb on them, after just dyeing his hair black, doing a phone interview, with a video game on pause on the television."

Grohl then said Lemmy offered him a Jack Daniel's.

"It was fucking 11:15 in the morning. I said, ‘Sure’. I will never, ever forget every little detail of that day. Especially not the black underwear, with a spiderweb and a black widow spider right where the dick is."

So there you have it. Maybe Lemmy's apartment wasn't all that great… or maybe it was, depending on what you're into.

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