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Metal In The Mainstream

Commentator Corey Graves dropped some Megadeth knowledge as well.

Tour Dates

Probably a new album soon?


The happy couple have been dating since the holidays.


I have a huge guest on this edition of Squared Circle Pit, Eric Bischoff – the guy who ran the show in WCW during...


In a very special episode of the show, Rob talks to The Nobodies (Ariel Italic, Lady Bearica Andrews and DJ Accident Report). They have...


Originally released in 2003, The Beyond has always stood out in Cult of Luna’s discography as the most direct and immediate of their recordings.


Skeletonwitch frontman Adam Clemans steps into the pit, and Adam and I spend a good chunk of the show going through all of the...

Tour Dates

Here's hoping Sleep tours more.

Best of 2017

I continue to feel very fortunate to have a place at Metal Injection and other media outlets to share what I believe to be...


FFO: Neurosis, Melvins, Om...


FFO: Yob, Neurosis, Pallbearer...


Our guest is from across the pond on this edition of Squared Circle Pit - we talk to David Lo Pan, a compose who...


This is the sort of band who understand the psychological power of doom and sludge and really play on that

Upcoming Releases

Matt Pike is wearing a shirt. Weird.

Show Recap

[Photo Credit: Vanessa Mercado] While I've hit up every annual California-based Knotfest so far, I never had the balls back in the day to...

Injection Reflection

It's freezing in New York City already. One month ago, I was contemplating going to the beach. While I ponder climate change, here's what...


Guitarists Matthew Weed & Eric Jernigan talk the process for the new album and going independent

Latest News

The French doom masters are back with their most massive sounding release to date!


When I first started this podcast, one guest I knew I had to get on here is the epitome of the intersection between metal...


The original version was deemed "too brutal" by WWE.