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Search results for "Heroes"

Song Premiere

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if you're...

Humor of the Beast

Simply getting to meet your music hero is a special moment. But getting to regularly interview and befriend them? That’s something most of us...

Music Videos

Atreyu have released a new music video for their track "Super Hero" from their 2018 release, In Our Wake. The song features guest appearances from M....

Metal Merch

We can thank the Japanese for so many great innovations, including their latest one – a "soft vinyl toy" of Killswitch Engage guitarist Adam...

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. WARBRINGER – The Black Hand Reaches Out Another track from...

New Music

It's a very progressive approach to the usual thrash sounds.

Latest News

The documentary currently has no known timetable.

Tour Dates

"[This is] a respectful and loving tribute to three spectacular musicians, songwriters, legends and friends."

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

Music Videos

From their coming double album Of Truth And Sacrifice.

br00tal Comedy

It's a Christmas miracle! SockPuppetParody has returned to us all just in time for the holiday with a brand new Immortal-themed holiday track called...


We're baaaaaaaaack. The sequel to our 5 Insane Thrash Metal Drummers compilation is finally here. Last time around we stated the following: These guardians...

Cinema Fix

It's kind of impossible to tell someone what Wild Zero (1999), one of the greatest rock and roll zombie films of all time, is...

At The Movies

These stills look most excellent.