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Search results for "bodies"

Around the Interwebs

Say what you will about Grohl, but the man loves live music.


In The Company Of Serpent’s first album as a trio explores light as the prima materia—in other words, the core building block of existence....


As this dreadful virus wages a massive toll on the global economy, on people’s jobs and on so many lives, the music industry is...

Undergound Buzz

Welcome to another roundup of Underground Buzz, where we spotlight some killer smaller bands. Want to be covered on this section? Reach out with...


Welcome back, head banging homebodies! I have returned with another list of disease-themed metal to cradle your cochlea, in hopes to teach some epidemiology...

Latest News

Earlier this week, on a special quarantined edition of the RIP a Livecast, we had System of A Down drummer John Dolmayan on the...


Kindred isn’t quite as inviting as All Tree, but it's precisely because of its enhanced challenge and atypical direction that it’s so gratifying and...


It was a warm, unusually sunny, August morning in Bergen as we made our way from the hotel to the historic Bryggen district and...

New Music

Slayer worshiping Texas thrash? Yes please!


The Telemark EP is an essential addition to Ihsahn’s catalog

Song Premiere

The Texas death metal band returns later this month with a brand new EP through Maggot Stomp. Listen to the title track now.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include glam, prog, comedy, rockin' good times, and more on this Valentine's Day!

Full Album Stream

Read an interview and listen to an exclusive stream the Dutch black metal trio's gorgeous third album, which officially arrives this Friday

Extreme of the Extreme

Welcome back, and happy Wednesday Extreme fans. A quick reminder that all previous editions of Extreme of the Extreme can be found HERE. Now...

Metal Injection Exclusives

We bring in the new year, by taking a look back at the highlights of 2019! Features include: – Gaahl Opens Up on Being...

br00tal Comedy

It's a Christmas miracle! SockPuppetParody has returned to us all just in time for the holiday with a brand new Immortal-themed holiday track called...

Music Videos

We are living in the golden age of animated videos. The latest is from Moloken, a Swedish band who fuse black metal with 70s...

At The Movies

It's crazy to think that Jackass premiered on MTV over 19 years ago (October 1, 2000). Where does the time go? I was very...

Best of 2019

Wow, 2019 was an incredible year for metal and related genres.  Although I appreciate many styles of metal, most (but not all) of my...