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Matching Tags: sick of stupidity


I guess Nikki Sixx isn't going to be invited to Steel Panther shows anytime soon. The legendary bassist is not taking to kindly to...


Somebody check the burn unit for Vince Neil.

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"I laugh my ass off that my band is named Korn."


Hembree & The Satan Sisters have one clear message in their debut album. One that is repeated from start to finish, with vigor and...

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Which hopefully works this time.

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Can you imagine Slipknot without Jim Root?

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include not judging a 69 by its 69-ness, lots of rad instrumentals, unnecessary (and frankly stupid) speculation, and...

Live Footage

Their first show in 14 years, and it was a good one.


On the morning Metal Injection spoke with Sabaton frontman Joakim Brodén, the band had just ran the gambit of European mega festivals. To say...


Ultimately, I don't understand why Lee is so defensive about this film. He's already made millions of dollars off of it and got a...

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He did it for the troops!

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Slund’s Lean Mean Slunding Machine.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


UK's Svalbard is an act we've reported on many times here at Metal Injection, and champion their work found on the latest album, It's...

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It was right up to the end, when it got changed.

Shocking Revelations

"Ozzy snorted a little tiny stupid spider that was crawling across. There was no ants."