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In short- the album is great, go buy it, and go see the band live as soon as you can.


Knowing I was about to go see the Melvins for the first time and ISIS for the last time, I knew I had to...


By Ben Apatoff The leading force in spacey, ambient art-metal recently announced their demise, leaving their influence to an overwhelming number of subpar imitators...


By Ben Apatoff Music enthusiasts may know ATTILA as a terrible psychedelic rock band from the late '60s. They're deservedly absent from most people's...


By Ben Apatoff “Legend” is one of the most overused terms in music writing, but SLASH unquestionably deserves it. Don’t kid yourself into thinking...


By Ben Apatoff According to founding guitarist BEN WEINMAN, the title of THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's new album means "being in a situation where...


By Ben Apatoff When supposed black metal purists lament the commercialization of their beloved music, they could be talking about BORKNAGAR. Despite roots in...


by: Shannon Joy Swedish metal trio, KONGH, prepare for the official US release of their progressive doom-metal masterpiece, Shadows of the Shapeless.  Presented via...


By Ben Apatoff From the moment that "Forced to Rock" introduces Virginia tech-death upstarts ARSIS' new album with a piercing series of bended notes,...


By Ben Apatoff ROB ZOMBIE is one of the most creative frontmen in contemporary metal. Sonically and visually, he's reshaped alterna-metal and rock radio...


By Ben Apatoff If Scenes from Hell is any indication, Beelzebub's lair is not pretty. Choked-sounding saxophones squeal for help, announcing the arrival of...


By Ben Apatoff Why bother reviewing a new album by SLAYER? You'll enjoy it if you liked the last few, and you'll steer clear...


By Ben Apatoff Call it "Deeper Colors." Approximately two years after BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME leapt into headliner status on Colors, they've plunged...


By Ben Apatoff Like OZZY before them, RAMMSTEIN confirmed the lunacy of their would-be censors by being far too goofy for anyone who actually...


By Ben Apatoff UPDATE: You can now stream the entire disc on the band's MySpace page. (Also, don't miss our epic live footage of...


by James Greene, Jr. The term "epic" has been bandied about with such regularity in recent years that it hardly has one drop of...


By Ben Apatoff Even without the high profile of a deservedly popular animated documentary series, it's easy to see why DETHKLOK have the highest-charting...


By Ben Apatoff New PEARL JAM sounding too soft? Still too soon to discuss the latest CHRIS CORNELL debacle? Fear not, grungeheads, because ALICE...


by Ben Apatoff Like recent SLAYER or IRON MAIDEN, every new MEGADETH release comes an inevitable wave of "return to form" and "best since...


Well, I've been back for about a day now and of all the places I definitely miss Amsterdam the most. Yes, the weed is...


Kicking off with a gargled bellow (that sounds like the Polish equivalent of "You wanted the best, you got the best!"), BEHEMOTH return with...


JOB FOR A COWBOY may be death metal's answer to MATISYAHU. Both victims and beneficiaries of an overwhelming amount of hype, JFAC have roped...


Two years after releasing the catchiest sludge metal album in history, BIG BUSINESS are back, this time with a guitarist. For whatever distinction they've...