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Search results for "Than"


By Atanamar Sunyata Black moods demand bleak music.  There are certain albums that radiate genuine rage, that siphon off your own anger and anguish...


by Jeremy Ülrey Continuing apace the goth-country minimalism he's specialized in since his 2005 reemergence, Dylan Carlson once again saddles up his warhorse and...


By Ben Apatoff Solo albums tend to follow one of two paths. One being "Here's something I wouldn't normally do with my band" (see...


By Atanamar Sunyata Flashback (eleven years) to college: sitting in a friend's apartment, drinking 40s and watching the “Over The Edge” WWF pay-per-view event. ...


by James Zalucky On the back cover of Insecurity Notoriety, a little computer screen rendered as a skull and bones symbol is pictured with...


by James Zalucky When it comes to creativity, few bands can match the power and brilliance of  AGALLOCH. Over the course of their career...


By Kit Brown Deathcore, though constantly at the wrong end of too many bad jokes in the metal community, has been making some positive...


By Ben Apatoff JULIE CHRISTMAS could sing a bus schedule and make it sound compelling. On The Bad Wife, her solo debut, she roars,...


by James Zalucky For many metal listeners, the name Cradle Of Filth provokes a great deal of scorn and resentment. This is especially true...


by: Sean Gresens Holy damn… I seriously can't wrap my head around how The Chariot aren't getting the attention and praise they deserve, and...

A Female Perspective

by: Noa Avior James LaBrie, you didn't continue life as a battered woman. Mike Portnoy left you for a young piece of meat but...


By: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann Before Katherine Katz made her debut as the official third vocalist of Agoraphobic Nosebleed on their 2009 release Agorapocalypse, the...


By Kit Brown I was first introduced to Savannah’s sludge-metal quintet KYLESA last year when I saw them as a supporting act on MASTODON’s...


Would Valley of Smoke continue down the same path the band had been carving out for themselves since their inception, or delve into new...


by: James Zalucky ATHEIST has a history that is both triumphant and frustrating. Triumphant due to their glorious artistic feats and enormous influence. Frustrating...


by James Zalucky Before saying anything else, I'll admit that I wasn't expecting very much from this album. I never really liked MONSTER MAGNET,...


Culling of Wolves is the latest from the Arizona death metal act, Knights of the Abyss. When I started playing this album, the first...


By Ben Apatoff Fear no more. Denver deathgrinders CEPHALIC CARNAGE still sound brutal on Misled by Certainty, their first album without mainstay guitarist ZAC...


by James Zalucky "Thrilling". "Remarkable". "Brilliant." These are the words that nearly every reviewer has been using to describe the new Iron Maiden album,...

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by James Zalucky Blood in the Gears is the new album from southern metal act, The Showdown. The album begins with the snarl of...


By Ben Apatoff LORDI look like GWAR. Now that that's out of the way, remember that originality is overrated, and that being a pioneer...


We sent old-school death metal fan James Zalucky to the NY stop of the Summer Slaughter tour to get an old school fan's perspective...


By Ben Apatoff Even if his leering mug didn't greet you on the cover, any headbanger worth his horns could tell who wrote this...