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High on Fire's Matt Pike is one of metal's most idiosyncratic guitarists.  Much of his style probably comes from necessity.  As the singer and only guitarist...


Ignitor is an anomaly; it's a top-notch power metal band not from Germany, but from Austin, TX.  It also has two women in its...


Chiodos isn't the only band these days bridging Queen and Hot Topic. Between the Buried and Me, The Fall of Troy, and Circa Survive...


Ou·tré [oo-trey] –adjective: passing the bounds of what is usual or considered proper; unconventional; bizarre. For being supposedly extreme, death metal has become quite...


What is a band debut doing on Roadrunner?  These days, the label seems to trade only blue chips, solely acquiring seasoned veterans with established...


One-man Hungarian black metal: how much more obscure can one get?  Paragon Records excel at unearthing hidden gems like Aetherius Obscuritas, aka Arkhorrl, who...


It's odd that George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, vocalist for the world's biggest death metal band, Cannibal Corpse, and pioneer of the "helicopter hair" headbanging technique,...


Most people will know Sickening Horror for drummer George Kollias, of Nile notoriety.  This is good in that his work on the Greek band's full-length...


Ah, death metal – the music that refuses to grow up.  While black metal is getting busy with electronics, folk music, and dark ambience,...


Seemingly every metal label now has an entry in the retro thrash sweepstakes; Relapse's is Dekapitator.  But to the Bay Area band's credit, it...


North Carolina's Killwhitneydead are locked in a death match with California's Graf Orlock for the title of "cinema core" kings.  Their M.O. is the...


Bands have been chipping away at Meshuggah's block for a while now, hoping to take away a piece or two to call their own. ...


There are certain record labels which I trust on dealing with bands that have a lot of “artistic credibility”. The End Records has built...


I tend to compare goth metal bands to TYPE O NEGATIVE, as I think TYPE O NEGATIVE is the kind of band who always...


What I love about PREMONITIONS OF WAY and EVERY TIME I DIE is the fact that they sound like they locked themselves in a...


If we travel back far enough in time in the history of DARK FUNERAL, you can see that the lineup revolves around founding guitarist...


  Beautiful woman and metal. Not exactly a combination that you see on a regular basis. Throw in the fact that the beautiful woman...


Ah yes, good old doom/death. It’s funny how all of the progenitors have grown from growling over BLACK SABBATH riffs, to a post doom/death...


I’ve been into AS I LAY DYING since “Frail Words Collapse” in 2003. I think that album is a landmark in time. Not only...


Perhaps you’ve heard the quote “You’re nobody until somebody hates you”. If there’s something I’ve noticed with underground music and people who only care...


I’m going to level with everyone. I have a hell of a hard time reviewing instrumental music.  I loved big instrumentals like “Call Of...


I like to think that my current themes of humorous raw black metal reviews are going over well, but for all I know, everybody...


The only thing I’d ever heard about MONDO GENERATOR before I got this album in the mail is that they were on Ozzfest, and...