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"It's hard to deny the impact of Landmvrks when they kick into high gear."


"The Hellacopters clearly still like what they do, and have the means to do what they like."


The blackened NWOBHM trend shows no signs of slowing down, pushing the genre more and more into the forefront. Nite's sinister sophomore effort, Voices...


"A Night At The Nordic House is a long overdue live release from Týr, and one their fans will definitely want to check out."


"When you put it all together, this is Dark Funeral's greatest record to date.The strength is in the diversity of compositions."


"Even if you're not a lover of this type of music there's a high likelihood you still want to give Call Down the Sun...


"Still, Let The World Burn is definitely worth the time. Listeners who stuck around all these years will find their wildest dreams rewarded."


"The War To End All Wars is streamlined, while still being epic in scope and attitude. It covers a lot of ground in just...


"Enemy of Love has a dark alchemy that brings out the best in both bands."


On the The Long Road North, Sweden’s undisputed gods of post-metal, Cult of Luna, release a superb album that is more mature, nuanced and...


"TLTSOL is the sound of a band attempting to transcend the turning of tides within their scene."


"Enterprise Earth fans are going to really enjoy this album and Dan Watson continues to grow as a vocalist in terms of both his...


"Servant of the Mind has a lot of memorable songs ... with catchy hard rock singles augmented by some metal moments.


"It's raw, yet unabashedly refined at the same time. Frankly, this might be Lock Up's best recorded work in their twenty plus years of...


"Moonflowers is less expansive and unpredictable than its predecessor, yes, but it's also more focused and selective. In other words, it feels more poised...


"This is death metal drenched in gore and brutality. The artwork and song titles say it all."


"Adventurousness comes in the form of an expanded exploration of their melodic side, making it at once the band's 'least' death metal but most...


"Cryptopsy, Beneath The Massacre, Beyond Creation and Gorguts have all left their mark, but Archspire seem to be the new leaders of the pack."


"Moss Grew On The Swords And Plowshares Alike epitomizes why Kayo Dot remains a laudable one-of-a-kind project."


"The new Swedish death metal band Grand Cadaver brings together veterans of the scene for their old school debut Into the Maw of Death."


A View from the Top of the World is a promising glimpse into Dream Theater's possible future revitalization.


"In The Court Of The Dragon is well-written, well-executed, and a bold new step in the Trivium world."


"Caravans to the Outer Worlds is a great EP and well worth repeated listens."