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Search results for "Under"

Black Metal History

Among the most underground black metal units the band Incurus is one that remains really, well, underground. VJS’ one-man fronted abrasive black metal assault...


Plagues of Babylon sees Iced  Earth edging closer to the more sprawling epics we got used to seeing from them in the past.


Protean Collective, a heavy progressive-rock band from Boston, has emerged with a new album called The Red and the Grey. I wrote about them...


Fans of The Haunted have been pretty disappointed over the past six years. While the band's first four records are still holding up well...


Calvaiire is a four-piece metallic hardcore band hailing out of Laval, France. And while I'm no French speaker (all the songs are in French,...


One of the more underrated bands in the sludge/doom milieu – certainly one of the most unheralded of the Chicago metal scene as a...


Whereas certain metal splinter genres like sludge and doom have found their requisite bands experimenting in ways that are still decidedly metal – or...


Sometimes you just want to listen to something heavy; something that gets your blood flowing and your air guitar shamelessly displayed. Ravenous Plague is...


What happens when you take one dude from East of the Wall, one dude that used to be in East of the Wall and...


It would be easy to dismiss these guys as false or question their grimness since the band hail from the sun drenched Golden State....


There is no band like Black Flag. And I can say that finally in present tense because they're back! Joy of fucking joys. One...


The Decibel 100th issue show happened at the beginning of this year, and it was a whole lot of fun. I initially wrote my...


In the late 90's and early 00's, Rhapsody of Fire (simply Rhapsody at the time) were one of the undisputed heavyweight bands of power metal. There were...


Ohio's gore metal pioneers Necrophagia have a long, storied, and complicated career in the death metal underground. The band has existed in various incarnations for...


Female fronted doom bands are all the rage these days, and for good reason. The juxtaposition of down-tuned lurching metal with soaring female vocals...


Evangelist, noun: one who spreads the gospels of Christ far and wide, with the intention of converting as many new acolytes as possible, by...


Someone's been listening to their King Diamond. Oh, what the hell… there are so many Venom, Bathory and Celtic Frost clones flitting about – not to mention Sabbath, Slayer and even Blue Oyster...


When trying to talk about Winds of Plague, I'm at a loss for words, as I don't feel that strongly either way. They seem...


It's been three years since Castevet unveiled their debut album, Mounds of Ash. The record received widespread critical acclaim and helped solidify the legitimacy...


Is it October in an odd-numbered year? Then it's clearly time for another Skeletonwitch record, right? Ignoring 2004's At One With the Shadows – an easy...


Motörhead join AC/DC as the two go-to bands that folks mention when they're talking about a band that has essentially churned out the same album over and...


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...


Instrumental stoner rock is somewhat of an underutilized angle, Earthless and older Karma to Burn being the only exceptions to spring immediately to mind. And since Karma to Burn began...