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Search results for "Under"


You know what the metal world needs more of? Musicals. I'm not saying that ironically either. Sure, we have plenty of prog bands putting out...


In the time before time, there was a major record label that was considered the endgame for any metal band. Long before budget cutbacks,...


Touché Amoré is a progressive/melodic hardcore band hailing out of Los Angeles, best known for their excellent song structure and heartfelt lyricism that is...


It's fitting that the resurgence of both Death Angel and Testament coincided with dual supporting slots on the Anthrax comeback tour two years ago: both are Bay Area thrash acts...


If this were indie rock it would be Altaars or Alltars or ALTRS, but seeing as how we're dealing with metal here it's still Altars, thank you very...


To summarize quickly for those who lack the patience to read this entire review: this is a pure funeral doom record, and a very...


Oranssi Pazuzu (Orange Pazuzu, in the Finnish) don’t easily fit into any particular genre, which makes their music hard to describe. Psychedelic? Yes. Bizarre?...


Since 2003, Alexander von Meilenwald, the former drummer for Nagelfar, has been releasing sprawling black metal epics under the name The Ruins of Beverast. His music starts with...


Conflicting ideologies seem to spurn the best possible music. The black metal and death metal scenes fought against each other back in the early...


On their debut album, The Fall of Omnius, France's Nephren-Ka seek to merge technical virtuosity with sheer brutality. This isn't anything new to death...


I was hoping—really hoping—that the new Inquisition album would have an even longer title than the last one did. No such luck. Also I...


Fates Warning have been the rock on which heavier progressive music was founded since their inception in 1982, and show no signs of slowing...

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When I think of Satyricon, the first thing that comes to mind is a funny conversation I had with a rather enthusiastic and boisterous...


Recently I started reading Henry Rollins' Broken Summers and a sentence struck grossly true for myself: “All too often, contemporary music doesn't give me what...


When your last album was both an underrated sleeper and a frequent inclusion on Best of 2011 lists, expectations are understandably high for your follow up....


You know how there is a four pm? Did you know there is another 4 in the morning? I'm going to introduce myself to...


British progressive masters Haken have gained somewhat of an underground following since the release of their 2010 debut, Aquarius. Naturally the following only progressed...


Back in the 1980's Satan was everywhere in the United States. A confederacy of dunces consisting of law enforcement agencies, the media and pearl...


Jeff Waters and his ever-revolving door of bandmates in Annihilator are an under-appreciated entity in their genre. As the band approaches their thirtieth year, the...


Týr have long ago laid claim to their seat in the folk metal genre. In the eleven years since How Far to Asgaard, they...


Avenged Sevenfold has not been too shy in talk of their new album. The one thing that always popped up in interviews regarding Hail to...


No matter what you might think of the band, their style or the evolution of their mainman Dez Fafara since his early days earning...


Picture this scene. You’ve just landed on the isle of Crete. You leave your ship and walk up the beach. The surf is crashing...