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Search results for "Under"

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


If you can picture yourself sitting in the darkest space imaginable for years with nothing more than a pen to record and isolate your...


All in all, it's a great time to be a fan of heavy music. There are an abundance of bands out there who are...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


When I first discovered Incendiary on the first edition of MetalSucks' NYC Sucks sampler, their track "Victory in Defeat" instantly made them my new...


In case you haven’t heard the news or the teaser material, Finnish humppa-metallers Finntroll—Vreth, Trollhorn, Beast Dominator & Co.—are back with their seventh studio...


Southern Lord would eat these guys up. No Salvation play a sludge/stoner-friendly hardcore that doesn't fit neatly into one category but would immediately gel on the...

METAL Injection

An ominous chorus begins to swell as a deadpan drum is beaten in the background. A voice comes onto the microphone like a demonic...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


Let's be real about this: Clutch is one of the only hard rock bands in the world worth caring about. A howling, bombed out wilderness...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


In 1986 a demo was recorded in about six hours by small Newcastle band for £25 (about $37). The piece was as rough as...

Black Metal History

By the turn of the century, Enslaved had produced a quartet of compelling albums, establishing themselves as reliable and unique purveyors of the blackened...

Black Metal History

It's both ironic and fitting that, while debate heats with every passing year about who is more "kvlt" in the realm of black metal,...


Ancient VVisdom broke through last year when Prosthetic re-released their 2011 independent album A Godlike Inferno. Critics and punters alike found themselves enamored of the band's...

Black Metal History

Overtly sinister sonic imagery requires some suspension of disbelief on my part. Either I’ll buy into a band’s bombast and bluster, or their attempts...

Latest News

As the old saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover"; well definitely don't judge this excellent album by its lackluster, high school...


I was a big fan of Rotten Sound's 2011 LP, Cursed, so I approached this new EP with high expectations, all of which were...


Well, it’s feels a little strange doing a Top 10 list since I haven’t completed a full year yet at MetalInjection. Also, I really...


Venomous Maximus – debuting on LP here after an independently released EP earlier this year – are 80's metal children, to be sure, but not...


Some people are often too busy laughing at the ridiculous music videos and comedic novelty of the animated series Metalocolypse to realise that Dethklok...


The moment is finally here; the Time is now (hur-hur). I suppose the default question must be: "does it meet expectations?" But could anything,...