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Search results for "approach"


Along comes album number three and, well, the Lost Society we knew, loved and described above has almost vanished into the ether. Seriously kids...


It’s been a long, sad silence for Magrudergrind. For awhile I just assumed them dead. The announcement never came, but like a missing persons...


Both in regards to its iconic acclaim and general popularity, "Bodies" is the obvious go-to track. While I think that the full Sinner LP...


Exumer has penned a robust album dripping with strong riffs, cogent arrangements and copious amounts of energy with little to no filler that’ll give...


Regardless of the fact that Prong has never been a group to attract mainstream attention, I find the notion that they continue such non-conventional...


With multiple previous releases under their belt, the group consisting of vocalist Justin Matthews, guitarist Jason Goss, guitarist Matt Mielke, bassist Matt Arensdorf, and...


Black Tusk continues to create music that is a pleasant mix of a multitude of sub genres, where only listening and experiencing it can...


The issue as it stands for Exmortus on Ride Forth is that in addition to much of this release screaming prodigious talent, scholastic competency...


Back in 2012 (which makes this DVD a bit on the belated side but whatever) the mighty Melvins undertook a novel tour, playing all...


Sacrilege isn’t a name that gets thrown around much by either today’s whippersnappers or the late 30s/early 40s set determined to let everyone know...


With a history stretching back to 1995, Ösnabruck, Germany's occult masters Secrets of the Moon have managed, over the course of five full-lengths and...


Black Metal is difficult for many people to enjoy, especially those individuals not accustomed to metal. Those who appreciate black metal, though, will find...


Shining play off like a madman’s psychotic episode on their seventh studio record, more comfortable yet with an approach that differs from the conventional...


If you’ve had issue with Abigail Williams in the past, don’t let that stop you from listening to what is actually a fantastically composed...


Along with Dismember, Unleashed, and Entombed, Grave stands for a sound that was birthed and perfected in Sweden. Unfailingly loyal to the genre, Lindgren...


Since the formation of the band in 2009, Horrendous has released two full-length albums, and will release their third, Anareta on October 27th, 2015....


Die Choking have already told us twice that they have little interest in tuning out their ADHD riffage (in a world that's oddly developed...


The sound displayed on True Will is exactly what is to be expected on a decent debut album. White Widows Pact excel within their...


Germany’s Pyogenesis is probably most renowned, or reviled, for the drastic transformation they’ve made over the course of their existence and subsequent rejuvenation. Specifically,...


Striving off a unique blend of hard rock and classic prog, Godsticks stake out their spot in the spectrum as a force more remarkable...


What New Bermuda delivers is an overall more calamitous and harsher experience


This is a band for prog nerds, stoner rockers, math rock fiends, and those fond of atypical musical experiences.


After ten releases, a rock/metal band is usually expected to be in its winding-down transition. Yet, some find their way to soldier through writer's...