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Search results for "approach"


Of Feather and Bone have glorified their crust/grind/hardcore love in the past and make no effort to move beyond it here.


Cruciamentum, meaning torture in Latin, takes a tried and true formula in their approach, but is able to create an original masterpiece in Charnel...


With track record of playing about as fast as they release albums, Tyranny don't have much to answer to in terms of a discography...


With three solid vocalists in their studio recording history, there's arguably one voice that can be considered the most definitively fitting for TesseracT. Not...


For this specific collaboration, members of Mudvayne, Hellyeah, and Skrape unite to test their strengths against the likes of previous major successors like Down...


Since their debut, Riverside has always carried the 'Porcupine Tree's little brother act' label. Yet, with that main comparison now on hiatus during extensive...


Along with Turnstile, Forced Order is one of the most talked-about hardcore acts of 2015, but does the latest record live up to the...


The Sword have heretofore never presented themselves as a particularly divisive band. One of their greatest charms is that you largely know what you’re...


It’s been happening slowly and stealthily over the course of the last decade or so. Insidious and incremental and bit-by-bit. It’s been so gradual...


Nile demands our attention whenever they leap onto their chariots into battle. Their latest ride is entitled, What Should not be Unearthed. And the...


One of the great aspects of metal is the vast amount of sub genres. Sure, some can get fairly ridiculous, and the labeling seems...

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I loved The Oath’s self-titled release last year. So it was with a deep sense of shock and confusion that I heard they broke...


Winnipeg trio KEN Mode have never made any qualms about their noise rock pedigree – even as the majority of their career have seen the band...


Black Age Blues, being the first full length Goatsnake recording in 15 years, and the most recent music in any format since 2004, would...


The deathgrind folks in Maruta have been at it since 2005. Though the band has only three albums to their name, they've still put...


One of the major draws to Nekrogoblikon is the unique style of melodic death metal they perform. Whenever listening to them, there is no...


Simple, raw, straight ahead, and loud. These are just some of the descriptors that come to mind when spinning debut album Death By Burning...


Where Cloud Rat have really come to excel is exactly how they approach their songwriting. There are plenty of surprises and small twists to...


Minnesota metal troupe Obsequiae’s 2011 debut, Suspended in the Brume of Eos, was a gift from the Metal Gods that deftly managed to satisfy...


It feels right to have a new Drudkh album arrive in 2015. The legendary Ukrainian band is known for their deep affection for their...


Antigama offer the listener no quarter, mercy or time to adjust as the band gets straight to the gritty. What's more is that the...


Noisem is a band that some took to and some didn't quite get when they released their PhD grade banger Agony Defined. Some saw...


If you've heard the word “leprosy” thrown around when reading up on Gruesome, it is absolutely true. Rather than working to pay homage to...