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Clean vocals and an entirely new direction is what you will find in the self-titled release from deathcore giants Suicide Silence


Whether you’re a fan or not, it has to be recognized that there’s no band like the singular, shape-shifting force of musical nature and...


Considering it's been over 45 years since it all began, I find myself involuntary rolling my eyes once I hear yet another band go...


The Drip have more going on than most would notice upon a few listens.


Are The Ominous Circle this generations death metal saviors? We think so.


What is one record we can point to that signals that crucial mid-80s shift in hardcore? Turns out Southern Lord has just re-issued that...


Former Kyuss singer John Garcia returns with a solo mash-up of acoustic Kyuss covers and new electric material


Black Anvil has always been able to balance atmosphere into their metal, but As Was might be their best effort yet.


For those in the know, Heavy Temple have been one of Philadelphia's strongest doom exports in recent years


Two Fistula records in one year? I’d say you’re too kind, 2016, but we all know that’s bullshit. But I’ll take any miniscule amount...


The album comes with an unspoken mandate: don't rock the boat. Testament are sticking with the formula that works and giving the fans what...


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...


Black Metal is better when its weird and immersive.


Cara Neir and Wildspeaker are the sort of bands who remind us of the magic of crust punk and the music that will never...


Winter's Gate is very carefully wrought; it envelops the listener like the blazing hearth-fire in some long-ago Nordic hall.


While lacking in true surprises, The Violent Sleep of Reason does what it's supposed to do: scratch a familiar itch while staving off any...


The djent movement is in need of a shock of revitalization, and unfortunately, Auras won’t be the band to do it…not this time around,...


It’s been almost sixteen years to the month since Brujeria has delivered product to the masses. That’s awhile for cartel boys to be out...


Remember the “screamo” era? Remember the Hot Topic/Victory Records bum rush that transformed malls across the country into some sort of swoosh-gelled hair/80s tight-pants-revival...


The Sword double done on last year's experimentation with an album full of acoustic versions of High Country cuts


My, how they’ve grown.


this international trio have rallied together to deliver some extreme metal that will blow your socks off, or should I say, turn your socks...


By the time it’s over, you might be able to feel the scraping of bare branches on your skin.