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Search results for "approach"


The Evil Divide starts off on a nuclear-stamped note of conflagration, that being the frenetic vehemence of “The Moth,” a song that sees the...


Characteristically brief at 33 minutes, the 13 songs here provide more consistent predictability with a renewed focus on anthemic, uptempo numbers combining brisk rhythmic...


Reductionist and fresh sounding, Hinder have come back with a release that is almost cleansing in nature.


There is probably not going to be a better death metal record coming out this year. But should we even bother calling this death...


Haken had no need to prove anything on this record. Their past few releases have been nothing less than monumental. I can't confidently claim...


False Highs, True Lows is carnivorous and frothing, teeming with black metal and metallic hardcore influences that leaves almost no room to breathe.


Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.


In 2014, the band's release of Up In Hell showed promise consisting of a slight nü metal and hardcore fusion. Two years later, Incite...


Howls Of Ebb are expanding what black metal can be, the real question is can you hold on for the whole journey?


BoneHawk are very close to being the real deal, they just miss a bit too frequently for this album to come off as anything...


Siren is a different beast than what you'd expect from a band that was in hibernation for the last five years.


There are many solos incorporated throughout, they are nimble, decisive and carry a proficient charm to them.


This EP comes as a welcome stopgap, proving Tombs are still capable of topping themselves as well as most similar acts toiling in their...


Regarding the legacy of the band, I view Deftones as divided into two entities, segmented by the passing of Chi. Adrenaline through Saturday Night...


In a lot of ways it’s not what you’d expect. And that’s what makes it great.


It’s nice to be reminded that there’s still more aural destruction in the band’s fingertips via The Great Destroyer. An aptly titled album.


Gravity is an album worth purchasing; its musical compositions are noteworthy due to their subtleties that keep them with a “rolling” energy, as well...


Inverloch is a relatively young project with plenty of room to move outside the shadow of its legacy. I'm just not sure which direction...


The leaders of the new wave of American heavy metal return with their crushing and heart-wrenching seventh album, Incarnate.


Dissvarth are spacey, weird and powerful - expanding sonic platforms and forcing us to approach weird new realities.


Black Cobra are one of the fiercest bands in metal today and their new record sees them taking a unique sound to exciting new...


Regarding the legacy of the band prior to Justin's passing, I believe there has been a steady incline in both popularity and merit. And...


Eight Bells are reshaping what heavy music can be with their latest record. Can you handle the raw beauty of it?