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Search results for "approach"


Album number seven sees Inquisition both pushing for new horizons while also showing signs of growing a bit too comfortable with their own formula


What Decision Day gives Sodom is the ability to add new songs to their set-list. Likewise, it gives fans new songs to mosh and...


For over a year now it seems that the name has lurked in the shadows. With sporadic music videos hitting view counts high as...


Get lost. Let yourself float. Asphyxiate. We all drift out here.


A solid homage to early metalcore, but ultimately leaves much to be desired.


This album gets to the heart of what extreme music is: an artistic expression of the dark, ugly side of existence (whether in this...


Witherscape are a potent rising force in prog. They just need to take a little bit more time to develop.


Something that Joe D’Amato and Lucio Fulci would be proud of.


Beast preserves many of the fundamentals of the band’s sound. As expected, there’s plenty of heavy grooves, breakdowns and mind-splitting blast-beats. Beast is a...


Meek is Murder is a downright lethal trio of fantastic musicians, and their latest opus Was makes a strong case for their name to...


On their twelfth release, the group fully embraces the notion of distancing themselves from their rivals. Theories of Flight excels at both showcasing their...


The United States Black Metal scene receives an icy, Nordic blast by way of New York's Anicon.


Virginia's Inter Arma have created one of the greatest albums of the decade with their newest effort.


Kayo Dot is for all people who love bleak music. It's for people who want to get washed up in the darker side of...


For some, listening to metal began as an act of defiance or rebellion against parents, peers, etc. The distorted vocals, instrumentation, and nonconventional presentation...


Treehouse depicts the band's departure from metal or electronicore roots and rather welcomes the fusion of EDM with hardcore and alternative...


The integration between progressive and deathcore/death metal has been fusing for the past few years and it seems the latest emerging bands are finding...


It’s like staring down a hallway stripped of paint and wallpaper, and seeing a vague shape draw a blade. It’s like you’re nailed to...


At this point in music history, the Frenchmen of Gojira have cemented themselves as one of the paramount metal bands of this generation. Though the band's...


Seattle, WA based curst/noise/grinders The Vatican aren’t interested in frills and bullshit. They aren’t interesting in giving you any time to consider much when...


Here we are, half way through 2016, where a competitive batch of Doom/Sludge bands will be competing and compared to one another. Will Cough's...


Gevurah's full-length debut sets the bar significantly high for Black Metal the rest of the year.