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Search results for "MODE"


The German melo-death group returns with their first full-length album in 13 years!


FFO: Sworn In, Northlane, Spite


Just how much atmosphere does it take to make good atmospheric black metal? It turns out it doesn't really matter as long as the...


On July 12th, Metal Injection owners Frank Godla and Robert Pasbani were invited to hear the long-awaited unreleased album from Tool, Fear Inoculum, in its...


Slipknot have easily released their best music in the last 15 years.


Black Passage is a Bay area progressive metal band featuring members of Wolf King and Fallujah. The group uses their debut record, The Veil,...


It was the absolutely mesmerizing, unpredictable musical tendencies weaved through the sporadic and gripping vocal melodies on their "Queen Wolf" single back in late...


Victims' seventh album offers up excellent D-beat crust-core with a difference to accompany our inevitable demise.


Abbath's second album is a big, bold and very fun listen. It carries on the legacy of Abbath's past while applying a classic heavy...


Like a rightly-aged bottle of whiskey, Wilmington, North Carolina's rock force, He Is Legend, has only gotten better with time. They continue to surprise...


Gold & Grey marks the closing of a thematic journey for Baroness.

Full Album Stream

It's no surprise that we here at Metal Injection have been fans and supporters of Bay Area-based deathcore pioneers Antagony. The group has a...


The British hardcore upstarts tackle some tough topics...


If you’re waiting for a return to the sound that helped shape the genre as we know it today-- you might want to get...


As cleverly and touchingly rewarding for longtime listeners as it is effectively representative for newcomers, Empath is another work of grandiose measure, gorgeous humility,...


Elizabeth Colour Wheel opened for Fórn roughly a year ago in Brooklyn and it was stunning. It was immediately one of the most impressive...


Whether or not you belong to the camp that believes a clean room is an absolute prerequisite for monumental undertakings, such as the reorganization...


Fantasma Nera may be Kings Destroy’s best effort to date, as each entry offers its own mesmerizing features (be they catchy vocal passages, gripping...


Finish metal band Children of Bodom's Hexed is their 10th studio album and their first in roughly four years following 2015’s I Worship Chaos. Having...


When I was sent the promo for a doom metal record featuring members of Monarch and Year Of No Light I immediately felt whiplash as I scrolled through...


"I, The Mask doesn't shake things up very much or restore In Flames to their 'glory days,' but it certainly sees them perfecting their...


The British metalcore chart invaders notch up another win...