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Occupational hazards notwithstanding, The Eighth Mountain is a very strong addition to both Rhapsody of Fire’s canon and the world of symphonic/power metal globally.


In all honesty, it's a little surprising there wasn't much of a notable industrial metal revival in recent years. In the past decade, the...


The reiteration of cherished classics isn't always a effort well-executed or well-received. I feared that The Door to Doom, the newest album from legendary metal...


Many bands who have been around for decades tend to slow the pace of releases as the years go on. Not so with New...


Listen as members of Blut Aus Nord indulge their industrial metal and dystopian soundscape fantasies.


Two albums in and Mastiff is still “a miserable band from a miserable town."


Der Rote Milan: bold, fresh and ferocious. This German black metal band is unafraid to try new things and take their sound (and the...


Face melting party thrash? YES! Growing up and getting a little more serious? ALSO YES!


The gender-negating Ukrainian phenoms drop their first release in almost three years...


To borrow an old cliché, they waste no time in going straight for the jugular.


Soilwork has stood the tests of time and turmoil to create something that fans are almost guaranteed to enjoy.


It's funny how you don't really hear the term 'New Wave of American Heavy Metal' tossed around anymore. The musical output around the turn...


Dutch symphonic metal group Within Temptation are on the rise again. They are about to release their seventh studio album Resist, their first since...


It is said that variety is the spice of life. Without a change of scenery or pace, everything can seem a bit monotonous and...


The metalcore legends pay tribute to guitarist Tom Searle on their most visceral album yet...


Atmospheric, powerful and unrelenting, this is a strong contender for the black metal AOTY.


Vector may disappoint slightly in spots but it’s nonetheless a majorly triumphant release.


"The album’s cover art, which depicted Satan inhaling smoke from a bong with black towers of an ancient city behind him, beckoned the interest...


Polyphia return to the dark side at last...


The Unheavenly Creatures is a mostly captivating continuation of the Amory Wars saga that cements how relevant, idiosyncratic, and cherishable Coheed and Cambria remains.


Listening to A New Kind of Horror is like mainlining adrenaline for 33 minutes straight. It's one of metal's best bands performing at the...


Wasteland proves that while guitarist Piotr Grudziński’s passing indefinitely changed their dynamic, Riverside certainly has a second life as an empowered trio.


I recall easing into the stoner rock scene and giving Clutch a shot years ago. While their tone and style paralleled other acts like...