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Search results for "MODE"


There's a good reason for the buzz around Jesus Piece. This is some seriously crushing hardcore.


Finnish melodeath veterans Omnium Gatherum have been churning out consistently good albums for nearly two decades. How does their latest effort The Burning Cold...


Savannah sludgesters Black Tusk deliver the goods on T.C.B.T. with memorable riffs and an appealing combination of sludge and punk.


Somewhere amidst the rise of metalcore and post-hardcore, the notion of meshing pop music elements with metal emerged. Heavy instrumentals were flipped upside down...


Punishing and strange electronic fury, Statiqbloom have outdone themselves on this latest offering!


To start, let's examine the timeline of progressive metal. The journey started in the 80's with acts like Queensryche, Fates Warning, and Dream Theater, who...


Weird, unique and strangely flashy, the latest from Vrsa can't help but to fascinate.


Being quite keen on progressive metal—considering it is my favorite subgenre—I'm often asked to describe what exactly this style of music is defined by. Personally,...


Yes it's glam rock, yes it's silly, but that's exactly why I love it.


Ocean Machine: Live at the Ancient Roman Theatre Plovdiv is perhaps the quintessential Devin Townsend concert release, not necessarily because of its music but...


Witchkiss are gathering their collective force and we have a feeling that they will soon be representing the next generation of doom and kicking...


Vermilia blends clean and harsh vocals with excellent riffs to create a truly captivating and dramatic listen on "Kätkyt." An extremely impressive debut outing...


Creating industrial music in 2018 is risky business. There have been mumblings of the subgenre's revival for too long now and even I have...


Alright, kids. Are you ready for a fresh-out-of-the-oven hot take? Here it comes… *drum roll* I personally think a good chunk of stoner metal...


Passage into the Xexanotth is an unearthly descent into a primordial hellscape and should utterly annihilate any notion that Chthe'ilist’s 2016 debut was a...


Manor of Infinite Forms’s take on death metal is as alien and downright putrid as its indescribable album art suggests and pushes death metal’s...


On their thirteenth studio album Meditations, Canadian death metal veterans Kataklysm bring the melody and the aggression. Is the songwriting quality enough to make...


Taken on its own, Queen of Time is excellent, but when considered in context as the thirteenth studio effort of a band that’s been...


Rotten Sound's latest release trades length for superb consistency and is one of 2018's surprise grindcore hits.


If you’re open to guttural foundations with luminous shades of spirituality, Hierurgy should definitely be on your radar.


I find it fascinating that the styles of certain musicians can vary to such depths depending on what other artists they are joined by....


With acts very much rooted in the music of decades ago, Homewrecker paralleling early death metal and hardcore, for example, I find myself asking,...


Of any guitarist within the heavy metal realm, Gus G debatably has had one of the most turbulent careers in regards to the limelight....