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Search results for "MODE"


Stripped back and powerful, Belus tap into the spirit of black metal with their endlessly fascinating and masterfully executed debut album. These Brooklyn black...


After 5 long years, The Faceless make the wait well worth it, presenting an excellent record with In Becoming A Ghost


This is the sort of band who understand the psychological power of doom and sludge and really play on that


The Devil's Despair is a moderately enjoyable progressive metal venture that simply doesn’t stand out when there are so many superior alternatives around.


FFO: Code Orange, Drive Like Jehu, Today is the Day...


Average songwriting notwithstanding, Dawn Ray'd's debut is an unbelievably harrowing and emotional black metal journey unlike anything else released this year.


When your ace in the hole happens to be Dopethrone, an influential monolith of omnipresent scope canvassing the firmament of modern doom metal, it can...


Through the miracle of online serendipity, long dormant Swedish band Ice Age are finally making their uber-overdue debut on wax. 


One thing RAM has had a knack for and continues to sharpen is their ability to craft really hooky vocal lines and memorable melodies,...


With their 16th studio album, Canadian thrash pioneers Annihilator attempt to break new ground with For The Demented. But is it epic thrash or...


Spectral Voice have been releasing grim, A-grade death/doom for years now, Eroded Corridors of Unbeing proves they’re at their darkest yet.


Psychotic Symphony is by no means a bad album; it’s just an unforgivably ineffective and tedious one because of how ordinary it is.


There’s still life in the routine yet.


Remember the Story isn't that flashy of a comeback vehicle, granted, but it does represent a compelling consistency that hasn't always been the hallmark of...


Wolves in the Throne Room have had their fair share of both admirers and detractors, with many in the metal community welcoming their expansive, anamorphic...


Relentless Mutation is a great step forward for Archspire, as the writing is vastly improved and more consistent than on previous records. And it’s...


If Ugly Produce ended at the halfway point, we might be heralding it as a modern masterpiece; we’d also be referring to it as...


Despite several considerable high points, Myrkur's sophomore record is a frustratingly inconsistent affair that fails to showcase its creator's considerable talents. Still, the potential...


Although Clairvoyant is a bit less diverse and flamboyant than its predecessors (hell, even the cover is appropriately black and white), it’s probably the...


Akercocke's masterful return to the industry is one of the greatest progressive death metal records in years that should catapult the band to the...


Dagoba's latest is also its best, aptly balancing heaviness and melody to deliver one of the most enjoyable industrial metal offerings in quite some...


Out of the Voiceless Grave is indeed a proper nod to the death metal of old, rife with battering drums, vitriolic snarls, and of course,...

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....