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Search results for "Elf"


"Servant of the Mind has a lot of memorable songs ... with catchy hard rock singles augmented by some metal moments.


"Doom Crew Inc. is not a bad record, but it occupies a lower spot in BLS's overall ranking."


"Moonflowers is less expansive and unpredictable than its predecessor, yes, but it's also more focused and selective. In other words, it feels more poised...


"Spinning the record reveals harrowing atmospherics, a sense of grandiosity, devastating emotional weight and wrenching mood swings all woven around a diverse stanchion of...


"Coherence is an outstanding melodic death metal album and is highly recommended to metal fans of all persuasions."


"Cryptopsy, Beneath The Massacre, Beyond Creation and Gorguts have all left their mark, but Archspire seem to be the new leaders of the pack."


"Moss Grew On The Swords And Plowshares Alike epitomizes why Kayo Dot remains a laudable one-of-a-kind project."


"Mixing and mastering qualms aside, Lutharo have arrived with one of the most thrilling metal records of 2021."


"The album is a grandiose, 70s revival that would make our metal ancestors proud."


"On their third album Where Fear and Weapons Meet, 1914 paints a tragic, gritty and human portrait of WWI with musical bombast and emotional...


"However, while accessible, Silence/Motion takes a much darker turn from previous works and merits multiple listens to fully encapsulate the power held in the...


A View from the Top of the World is a promising glimpse into Dream Theater's possible future revitalization.


"In The Court Of The Dragon is well-written, well-executed, and a bold new step in the Trivium world."


"While my overall feelings towards this album are lukewarm, there are also several pieces on here that could be fun additions to their live...


"Ultimately, Classics succeeds because the quirks that makes it so hard to describe also make them a commanding presence in the genre."


Vessel and company cast out a wide new on their sophomore album. This Place Will Become Your Tomb doesn’t have the same post-rock sheen...


"Employed to Serve sounds like they’re playing the music they’ve always wanted to write, and it’s hard not to love them for it."


"While most of the Bay Area thrash scene are rapidly approaching their final bows, Metallica just keep on getting bigger. Rock on, guys. You...


Not to harp on recent governmental moves towards regressive fundamentalism, but does this now mean that these (sorta) Belgian death metal greybeards aren’t allowed...


"For nine songs, God Is Partying feels like more of an EP than a full length. Still, this record is likely to satisfy those...


Music that we really connect with and always spin every year is a rare thing. Usually, you’ll grow tired of a release after a...


How Aphelion would’ve turned out if things had gone to plan will never be known, but it’s hard to imagine it being any better...


At it’s heart, Infinite Granite is not a metal record, but an above-average shoegaze/indie rock record.