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Search results for "Elf"


The experi-metal titans are back - pay attention to the details...


The solo, raw, black metal act embraces the most demented parts of the genre on its newest album.


The second half of The Ocean's Phanerozoic dualogy uses kaleidoscopic heaviness to relate the human condition to a 541-million-year cosmic tragedy.


FFO: Opeth, Dream Theater, Steven Wilson


Pharos is perhaps the most succinct yet powerful example yet of Ihsahn's knack for crafting beautifully dense, emotional, and intense compositions.


Like so many forms of art, metal is in a consistent state of evolution and development. A multitude of styles and subgenres have existed...


33 years after the band made grindcore what it is today with Scum, Napalm Death continues its penchant for inspired brutality.


There is a buzz going on in this city, an incessant electric hum that never shuts up. It has become all too familiar, practically...


The Glorious Dead has accomplished a real feat here: they've captured the spirit of doom metal, while still playing fast death metal.


Panther is not only one of Pain of Salvation's best records, but also one of the best albums of 2020.


Your everyday metalhead likes to think of him/herself as an iconoclastic rapscallion thumbing their nose at the lemming-like banality of the entertainment mainstream. Truthfully,...


With its latent relevance manifesting through the "Cavernous Death Metal" micro-genre, Incantation has a special opportunity to stick to its guns.


The unwavering plaintive exquisiteness of No Wilderness Deep Enough makes it an essential journey. 


Titan To Tachyons does to progressive stoner metal what Behold… The Arctopus did to tech-death, pushing their eccentricities to the limit.


Holocene Extinction is above and beyond the band’s past material. Not only that, it is an album that has arrived at the perfect time...


New York City Trio Imperial Triumphant heralds the return of the Roaring ‘20s with a dystopian labyrinth of black metal and jazz.


Brisbane newcomers feed dissonant death grind lore.


It doesn’t seem too long ago when deathcore was a frowned upon scene. And to an extent, that disapproval was justified considering the over-indulgence...


Considering their numerous lineup changes, the Slipknot "feud," and origins in the industrial/alternative/nu metal era, it's safe to say that Mushroomhead has a somewhat...


Despite some formulaic moments along the way, Virus improves upon virtually everything that gave Vector its identity.


Though Kall originated from a band rooted in frigid misanthropy, the band's long-expected sophomore album brings vibrant warmth to the band’s tortured aura.


With a few notable detours, this self-titled album is a solid reminder of why Lamb of God rose to the top of the New...


Eye of Nix’s third album of baroque black/doom metal has a much better production value, but it's still otherworldly in its bizarre beauty.