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Latest News

I know this is a little late for bringing up as a topic, but I just now was able to sift through some old...


Raunchy - Last X-Mas Fight - Christmas Ride Exhumed - No Presents for Christmas Macabre - Holiday of Horrors Tankard - Fuck Christmas 220...

Latest News

Taken from the official blog on ABORTED's Myspace: Belgium masters of brutality ABORTED have posted "The Chondrin Enigma", a new track taken off their...


"Hail the holy four pillars of uncreation: sodomy, abortion, suicide, and cannibalism!" So reads the "Manifest" on Heresi's website. Heresi is one Skamfer, who...

Latest News

This was posted on BEHEMOTH's official myspace blog: Polish extreme metal titans BEHEMOTH have entered the studio this week (December 11th) to begin tracking...

Tour Dates

It's official. Starting February 16th, recent Grammy nominees LAMB OF GOD will be hitting the road for a long string of club dates and...


In American law, the doctrine of "fruit of the poisonous tree" refers to the inadmissibility of evidence obtained through illegal means. For example, if...


When it comes to '80s American thrash, the San Francisco Bay Area and New York are the first places that come to mind. However,...


When Manowar do things, they do them big. Their album covers are filled with big men with big muscles holding big swords. Their tunes...

Latest News

Alright, well, its been a few days since I have spouted off my mouth and given some news. I find that a lot of...

Latest News

> Seattle rockers HIMSA have signed a worldwide deal with Century Media Records. The band is currently writing their upcoming album, with no release...


After Coldplay's performance at 2003's MTV Music Awards, host Chris Rock said, "Wow, I hope you didn't slit your wrists to that one." He...

Clip of the Day

Today's br00tal clip comes from EMPEROR and the song is titled "The Loss And Curse of Reverence". I am a fairly new fan of...

Latest News

Ok, I don't mean to turn this blog into a gossip column nor do I think that anything Kid Rock does is relevant, but...

Clip of the Day

This is the metal anthem. Seriously. I don't think you can be anymore metal than this. DECAPITATED "Spheres of Madness" is the epitome of...

Tour Dates

The promoters of the Maryland Death Fest have announced the finalized lineup for the event, which is set to take place on May 26th...

Latest News

For this holiday weekend, there isn't really much going on in the metal world. I guess everyone is taking a break…Monday will be saturated...

Latest News

I'm sure you have seen all the hype for the new Tenacious D movie, The Pick of Destiny. Some of you may even be...

Latest News

Tomorrow is turkey day for us here in the "U.S. and A.", so I'm gonna stuff you all full of the latest news as...


Okay, I know this is a little late, but whateva you are getting it now. On October 29th I saw one of the most...

METAL Injection

If you notice there is something different about the site today. Where did the newsboard go? Pfft, newsboards are so 1998! The blog is...

Show Recap

(This is part 1 of my experience at Gigantour. Part 2 coming soon.) I arrive at the Nassau Coliseum for Gigantour with my friend,...

Behind the Scenes

Just to get the wheels rolling on my blogosphere existence, I figured I'd answer one of the most common questions I get asked by...