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Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Upcoming Releases

The album is being worked on as you read this.


The second half of The Ocean's Phanerozoic dualogy uses kaleidoscopic heaviness to relate the human condition to a 541-million-year cosmic tragedy.

Back in the Day

After releasing two of the greatest metal albums of all time, Ozzy took a break as he struggled with the grief of losing his...

Attention, Stoners:

Kirk Hammett had the most "bomb" weed Kyle Shutt ever smoked

Shocking Revelations

The Korn frontman has made no secret of his past meth use, but says it wouldn't have been possible to tour on meth.

Around the Interwebs

Which Metallica member has the best Zoom room? We dig in.


Can you believe that Korn’s self-titled debut album is celebrating it's 26th birthday in 2020? The album is widely considered to be the genesis...


A good chunk of May You Be Held finds Sumac leaving metal behind in favor of non-linear, textural explorations.

In The Studio

Rammstein is reportedly back at La Fabrique studios.


"Now, we'll see what Nuclear Blast releases."


He's especially excited about Ohms

This Is Just A Tribute

"I only had the misfortune once of getting mixed up in a ‘party situation' with them where Dime was bartending."

Tour Dates

Hey look, festivals might happen next year!

Upcoming Releases

"It's going to be the best-sounding record we've ever done."


"The world is always worse in the current climate, whenever that might be. It's never been great."


"I wanted [Terminal Velocity] to reflect my identity and be my opportunity to say, 'Here’s what I’m all about.'"

Upcoming Releases

Halford is working with friends and family on the album.

New Music

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

New Music

"This record is for Michael Brown, Eric Garner, George Floyd and the countless untold and nameless killed."

Weekly Injection

This week’s new heavy metal releases include chaos, Sabbath covers, an album of the year contender, and more!