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Search results for "2011"

Around the Interwebs

This is pretty much the most awesome photo in the history of the world (for today at least). I'm not exactly sure how this...


Is this the first time Korn and Agoraphobic Nosebleed were featured back to back in a headline? I think so. We are always about...

Around the Interwebs

It's always fun to see what sort of items bands request on their tour riders, and Slayer clearly have fun with this as well....


I remember the first time I ever heard Spastic Ink's debut LP Ink Complete I immediately stopped what I was doing as if I...


Rue might as well be a new band.  They have one other full length under their belt, but that was back in 2003… since...

Latest News

Noregs Vaapen is an artistic conundrum. On the one hand it is a towering confluence of masterful riffs and composition, immensely satisfying in its...

Tour Dates

If you're on the site today, chances are you might already know that Rammstein have announced they are hitting a bunch of North American...

Injection Reflection

What a week this has been for metal. We started the week with a diva fit from Danzig and ended with confirmation of the...


Cynic has always been a band known for defying the confines of any particular genre. Their classic, 1993 debut Focus remains unrivaled by most...


We're pretty stoked for Cynic's new EP, Carbon Based Anatomy and if you haven't given it a shot yet, now you can. You can...

Latest News

One of the main critisisms of Opeth's new record, Heritage and their recent string of live performance is the absence of frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt's...

Latest News

Tonight is what Vh1 Classic dubbed "National Metal Day," which was their way of promoting the return of their hour-long weekly metal talk show,...

Upcoming Releases

Well, here is the big 11/11/11 announcement, announced at 11:11am pacific time: the original Black Sabbath is back! The band announced (via the above...

Upcoming Releases

Devin Townsend doesn't seem to believe in downtime. After releasing two amazing albums recently, Deconstruction and Ghost, and now, even while working on new material,...

Breakups & Shakeups

Just last week, I was hanging out on the Chimaira tour bus getting vaped as fuck in the middle of Times Square with nobody the...


Last week, we pointed out the idiotic homophobia of All That Remains frontman Phil LaBonte with his pointless slurs at the frontman of Black Veil...

Latest News

A few days ago, we reported that the studio where Gojira is recording their new album pretty much gave away that the band had signed...


First, we saw the amazing album art, and now this video teaser has me convinced that the new track from Rammstein is going to...

Upcoming Releases

Seeing Obscura this weekend was one of the highlights of the Metal Suckfest. They are tighter than a schoolboy's anus. (I went there!) Also, without...

Upcoming Releases

While we still haven't gotten the promised Sea Sheapard EP that Gojira has already completed, the band has kickstarted the recording of another full-length...

Oh, Danzig

Ah, leave it to Glenn Danzig to keep things interesting.  Whether he's making news shopping for kitty litter or preparing for an apparently large-scale...


Moments ago, Sumerian Records posted the above video on their Facebook page, saying "Yes, this is REAL and yes there have already been two...

Injection Reflection

This is a very bittersweet week here at Metal Injection. While we had some laughs, we dealt with the tragic loss of GWAR guitarist...