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Search results for "2011"

Best of 2011

As part of our ongoing series of Best of 2011 posts, we are announcing our Top 10 Music Videos of the Year on the...

Injection Reflection

It's been a few weeks since we've done any reflecting, but now we're back to our regularly scheduled reflection. The first week of December...

Tour Dates

Well, since they're not recording a new album anyway, I guess TOOL might as well book some shows, and that's exactly what they did....

Best of 2011

It's that time of the year, when we go through the Best of 2011. To kick things off, we've complied a list of the...


Henry Rollins is quite an opinionated fellow. When he's not out MCings reunion tour announcements, or telling you why pop punk sucks, he spews...

Upcoming Releases

When ISIS officially announced their permeant hiatus, I was pretty bummed. During the middle part of the last decade, they were easily my favorite...

Latest News

A few weeks back, the metal world mourned at the loss of GWAR guitarist Corey Smoot. Smoot was found in his bunk dead while...

Latest News

Does Ben Weinman ever rest? Between being on tour with Mastodon, collaborating on two separate side projects with each Brent Hinds and Mike Patton,...


Rammstein just know how to think big. I'm assuming their label came to them and said, "hey, we have this greatest hits package we...


Oh, what a day! Head over to our brosephs over at MetalSucks to hear the first single off Lamb Of God's forthcoming album, Resolution,...

It's Just Business

Here's a bright story to end the week on. Everybody loathes going to Ticketmaster and paying ridiculous convience fees that come sometimes equal 50%...


Surely, some of you readers are excited about this. Korn have posted a stream of their entire new dubstep album, The Path of Totality....

Breakups & Shakeups

A few weeks back we reported that Testament was enlisting some heavy hitter hired guns to play drums on their new album due to...


UPDATE 12/2/2011: Turns out we were wrong, and TOOL is not in the studio. A little over a month ago, Maynard was asked about...


Oh, praise Jah for this footage of Pig Destroyer. The footage comes from a show the band played in Seattle last month, and somehow...

Latest News

My brah Axl Rosenberg schlepped all the way to Long Island City to chat with Joe and Mario Duplantier, the masterminds behind Gojira, in...


When Guns N Roses announced their US tour a few weeks back, I jokingly titled the post reporting on said dates "GUNS N ROSES...

Around the Interwebs

There has been a lot of Nickelback hate on the internet lately. There was a petition to ban them from playing a hockey game,...

Latest News

The weekend is finally here. I'm kicking it off by starting my new show on SiriusXM Liquid Metal tonight, and I'm really pumped about that. It's...

Bummer Alert

I'm a big proponent of earplugs when going to metal shows. For every idiot that says "if it's too loud, you're too old," try...

Fuck Yes!

Back in 2008, we conducted an interview with the frontman of The Red Chord, Guy Kozowyk, where whilst shitting on virtually everything, he talked...

Around the Interwebs

This is pretty much the most awesome photo in the history of the world (for today at least). I'm not exactly sure how this...


Is this the first time Korn and Agoraphobic Nosebleed were featured back to back in a headline? I think so. We are always about...