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New Music

A cameo by the Cherry Bombs too.


Ihsahn, no what are you doing?! You are starting a flame war with one of the fiercest online army of trolls out there, Swifties...


Korn posted a very interesting teaser on their social media this weekend. The band shared a photo of a front lawn signed that had...

Mashups & Covers

The online game Overwatch has become a massive hit, and like with any big game, leave it to a metal shredder to offer their...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include poorly/perfectly timed album names, covers, re-recordings, and more! To the metals...


I guess when you only sell 600 copies of a new album in its first week, the revenue starts to run dry. That seems...

Upcoming Releases

We're very excited for Corey Taylor's highly anticipated new solo album. While nothing official has been announced, last week's tease makes it seem like...

New Music

After much teasing, Ihsahn is back with a new track and a new EP announcement. Of course, Ihsahn released the Telemark EP earlier this...


Last year, we saw the formation of Termina, a project showing off the meeting of minds between vocalist Andy Cizek and guitarist Nik Nocturnal....

Kids In Metal

We are such big fans of viral 10 year old sensation Nandi Bushell over in the UK. Nandi has been making waves on the...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include a crowd sourced album, sludgy covers, a future heavy star, and more! To the metals...

Best of 2020

I asked the staff at Metal Injection to contribute their five favorite albums of 2020 so far with brief words why they picked them....

Latest News

It's 4th of July weekend. Enjoy grilling, and maybe leave the fireworks at home and don't scare the doggos. Here's what you missed this...

Latest News

The jam-packed anti-racism compilation features music from Panopticon, Krallice, Woe, Dawn Ray'd, Obsequiae, Falls of Rauros, and many more. All of its proceeds will...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some releases that you can only get today, blackened trap metal(?), sludgy goodness and more! To the...