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"I've got all the stuff on my phone, like we do."

Upcoming Releases

"It's got a little bit of that Killing Machine angry swagger attitude going on."

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Megadeth, Meshuggah, and Queensrÿche all get shout outs.


"Rob called me last Monday and said they wanted to move on as a four-piece."

Best of 2021

What an incredible year of music! In preparing this year's list, I listened to over 500 albums, narrowed those down to 60 finalists, and...


Move over Trapt, the singer of Skillet, John Cooper, is having a great year of making headlines for saying silly things. He's been vehemently...

Upcoming Releases

"He's still a fighter. He never lets anything stop him."

Back in the Day

“What’s my drug of choice?” We are “Junkheads” for Stone Temple Pilots’ Core and Alice in Chains’ Dirt. These masterpieces were both released on September 29th, 1992. Core and Dirt...

Record Sales

August wasn't the worst month ever, and was certainly better than July. This list, which continues to grow each month, saw an average increase...

It's Just Business

July was a rough month for hard rock and heavy metal on Spotify, with roughly 65% of this list seeing a drop in listeners...

Record Sales

May was not the best month for rock and metal, but it wasn't the worst. Overall, listenership only grew by 0.58% vs. 5.25% the...

Record Sales

April was another great month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Record Sales

March was another snazzy month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Music Videos

Witherfell makes us feel all the emotions on their latest release "The River". This classic ballad features melancholic but hopeful melodies in both the...

Record Sales

January was a pretty decent month for hard rock and metal. Despite some larger losses, overall, listenership grew by 5.4%, the largest jump I've...


Songs for the Apocalypse sees Bieler stretching his artistic breadth by evoking a vast array of imaginative lenses, yet never deviating too far from...

Record Sales

December was a slight improvement in Spotify listenership, with an average increase of 1.81% across this list. Some bands saw quite the bump, while...