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Tech-Death Tuesday

The only constant is change, so with that in mind, I’m proud to bring you the first weekly installment of Tech-Death Tuesday here at...

Music Videos

Abbath keeps crushing it with an excellent live music video perfoming "Warriors," I cover of a track from the band I, which also featured...


After ten releases, a rock/metal band is usually expected to be in its winding-down transition. Yet, some find their way to soldier through writer's...


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.

Latest News

Havok is in a fairly interesting position this tour in that it keeps picking up and dropping openers every few dates. The guests include...


Of Feather and Bone have glorified their crust/grind/hardcore love in the past and make no effort to move beyond it here.

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...

Shocking Revelations

On the plus side, the album is done?


From (the amazingly fun to say out loud) Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, comes a band who will reach into your heart and chill it from the inside...


The Book of Souls offers a textbook example of how a band's previous album can effectively set fan's expectations for the follow up before...


Y'know, because it's technical death metal.


Black Tongue is a newer band from Hull, England which formed in 2013. They have already released two EP's and within the last year...


With 2015 being the 30-year anniversary of essential classics from Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Bathory, Celtic Frost and other bands, we've decided to take a...


Scale the Summit is commonly referred to as an instrumental rock band, and falls into this category often. When experiencing them though, there is...

Music Videos

Getting a story across in a music video can be pretty difficult sometimes, though Ill Nino makes it look pretty damn easy. The video...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast was released five years ago on August 17th, 2010 and we thought it would be a great idea to do something special...

Latest News

Riding high on the Gwar-B-Q, Gwar is set to take over North America… again! This time with the help of its friends in Butcher...

Around the Interwebs

A lesson in trolling by Rob Zombie


We've recently documented the string of robberies happening to bands in St. Louis and wrote a PSA advising bands to either never leave your...

Tour Dates

Holy shit… this is an insane death metal tour.


Swedish death metal legends do it again!