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Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.


It's shocking in the same way that a '80s B-horror film is, and that's just the way Aborted want it. Step into the delightful...

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Don't smoke, kids. It makes you have a less awesome sex life.

Funeral Doom Friday

Symphonic/Avant-Garde Funeral Doom highlighted by the use of a church pipe organ from the Czech Republic.


The pressure is on for Fallujah if Dreamless can simultaneously stand up to The Flesh Prevails, while still keeping us interested for the future.


Graves at Sea is triumphant; sounding like a unit bristling with animated energy and freshness despite having produced a work no one would be...


Blizaro is one of the weirdest bands to ever come from the US, John Gallo the forgotten master of horror doom is back with...

Bummer Alert

The legendary KISS guitarist is expected to make a full recovery.

Bummer Alert

I guess Axl feels that if Dave Grohl can perform with a broken foot, so can he.

Celebrity Metalheads

Dennis Haskins aka Mr. Belding from the show Saved by the Bell appears to be a Fear Factory fan, and he works blue!

Song Premiere

The Conflux Collective deliver their first song unto us, a brain scrambling ditty called "Lucid Hallucinations". This new multi-national death metal group is definitely...


Gravity is an album worth purchasing; its musical compositions are noteworthy due to their subtleties that keep them with a “rolling” energy, as well...


Can a reconfigured Cobalt compete with their earlier works? You bet your ass they can.


Inverloch is a relatively young project with plenty of room to move outside the shadow of its legacy. I'm just not sure which direction...

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Funeral Doom Friday

This week's installment revisits one of the genre's most influential bands and their debut that spurned decades of inspiration to future bands.


Entombed A.D.’s “Dead Dawn” presents riffs that are heavy enough to get stuck in your head, and the band keeps the track listing fresh...

Funeral Doom Friday

This week's edition goes a bit of a different as we explore a brand new band blending funeral doom and atmospheric black metal.


"That was twenty-five years of my life."


Trump stopped by his precinct in New Hampshire today.

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This dude really likes wrestling!