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More MESHUGGAH Non-News: Album Art & Tracklisting Revealed

Another day, another tease of new MESHUGGAH. Today we find in our inboxes the cover art for their highly anticipated new album, Koloss. I think I may be overhyping this for myself, but I don't care. I want to hear this bish already! The cover art for the album looks pretty trippy, I almost felt a little dizzy after staring at it for a few seconds. The album comes out March 27th on Nuclear Blast, which seems like forever from now, but really isn't. To further tease you, here is the tracklisting for the album, which basically means nothing until you hear the songs associated with the titles, but it's Meshuggah, so I don't care:  

'I Am Colossus'
'The Demon’s Name Is Surveillance'
'Do Not Look Down'
'Behind The Sun'
'The Hurt That Finds You First'
'Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion'
'The Last Vigil'

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