We've been writing about AC/DC and Axl Rose for what seems like months now and other than Angus Young's brief appearance with Guns N Roses a few weeks back, we haven't officially seen Axl in the same room as AC/DC.
We've seen them separately leave the same rehersal studio and audio keeps leaking of their rehearsals, but no actual footage of them together. Until today. The band reminded everybody that they're going to be playing Portugal this weekend in a somewhat awkward clip:
The video seems a bit awkward with everybody looking around as if to say "is this what you wanted? Should I be talking now?" But hey, when 7,000 people ask for refunds for your gig, you try to do anything you can to drum up interest.
We're sure there will be plenty of live footage after the big gig on Saturday and we'll definitely post a full update Sunday morning.
Are you hyped for this?