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Bummer Alert

Lemmy has since released a statement saying he's "feeling better."

Fuck Yes!

It's not the end, just a break.

Tour Dates

The 2015 Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival has revealed the full lineup and tour dates, which feature Slayer, King Diamond, Hellyeah, The Devil Wears...


As reported in most corners of the metalsphere last Monday, the van carrying members of Wormreich and Khaotika, who were supporting Kult of Azazel...

Injection Reflection

Here's a look at this week's most trending stories on social media: YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Shits On METALLICA, PANTERA, DEATH & More Musicians In A...

Tour Dates

So much good metal on the bill.


Before writing this post, I took a look back at the recap I wrote for my first year at SXSW and couldn't believe this...


Somehow, Slash is involved in this too!


The key buzzword for SXSW 2015 is retrenchment. Following an escalating period of peaking drama and crowd management issues over the past few years, the final...

Latest News

Finally, another good metal festival returns to the North Texas area. There used to be all different festivals popping around ten years ago, but...

Necrosexual Presents

Paul Speckmann frontman and bassist of legendary metal group Master stops by the Necrosexual's Lair. Necro and Paul discuss the sexual power of beards,...

Upcoming Releases

"We want this DVD to be a 'Heavy Metal Mardi Gras'" - Robb Flynn


So, there’s a new Sodom EP out, but it really only consists of about six minutes of new material.

Bands and Booze

Hotdogs of the Universe.

Bands and Booze

Now I'm thirsty!


Dave Grohl knows how to make a set list: Zakk Wylde, Slash, David Lee Roth, Alice Cooper and more share the stage.

Music Videos

36 Crazyfists are back and gearing up to release their new album, Time and Trauma, on February 17th. We are pumped to be bringing...

It's Just Business

First, a little backstory. Sumerian Records has an annual unsigned artist competition called "The Road to the Sphinx." The winner of the competition was...