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Latest News

Want to book a tour for your band? We got Nate Carson of Nanotear Booking to give us all the gory details on how...

Celebrity Metalheads

Apparently, they are her favorite band.

Bummer Alert

Atreyu frontman Alex Varkatzas released a startling video earlier today, where he announced he would be unable to tour with the band this summer...


The British hardcore upstarts tackle some tough topics...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include OG metal peeps, modern metal standouts, MOTHERFUCKIN' WHITESNAKE, and More! To the metals...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include lots of snakes, no really, like an odd amount of snakes, and more! To the metals…


Would you want the fest to return?

Tour Dates

Lamb of God, Marilyn Manson, Ho99o9, Health, Gojira and more will be there too.


Italy's Fleshgod Apocalypse have the market cornered on combining stirring sweeping symphonics with bone snapping death metal. Agony, Labyrinth and King are genre staples,...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some hurdy-gurdy, which you know I love, and other music that doesn't have hurdy-gurdy for some reason. ...

Celebrity Metalheads

The man's metal journey has been great to watch.


Today in the Too Much Information department, we learn of a recent incident that occurred between the Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne, his wife Sharon and...


Elizabeth Colour Wheel opened for Fórn roughly a year ago in Brooklyn and it was stunning. It was immediately one of the most impressive...