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Fuck Yes!

NYC based blood artist Vincent Castiglia is truly a master of his artistic medium, one so unique I've featured his work on Metal Injection...

Upcoming Releases

Watain are pretty well known in the metal scene, and for good reason; they're way good. Now they're back to haunt our brains and...


Supergroup Palms (Deftones, Isis) have yet another song online! At this rate you'll be able to hear the whole damn album before it comes out.


If you missed Metallica's Orion festival, we've got you covered. During the first day of the fest, Metallica sprung a surprise set on their...


Chimaira's Crown of Phantoms has a pretty sweet name to live up to. Fortunately, it's sounding like they'll surpass it by a long shot...


As uncreative as the name is, the music is really friggin' great from what he's offered to us. Think of it like a modern-day...


Black Tusk announced their new EP Tend No Wounds to be out on July 23. Think you might be interested? Get in here and...

Injection Reflection

Memorial Day weekend is here and I couldn't be more excited! After a very busy week of metal news, let's spend the next three...


Evan Brewer (The Faceless, ex-Animosity) is really coming into his own as a composer, and it shows on his latest album trailer.


We've been teasing you with trailers for quite some time now, but Century Media has finally posted the new Tesseract album in it's entirety!

Video Games

Juggalos are everywhere these days. The news. SNL parodies. Even on FBI watchlists. So maybe I shouldn't be so shocked to see a juggalo...

Latest News

Lamb of God are working on their upcoming documentary entitled As the Palaces Burn, and Mark Morton really wanted to share with you some...


We got a brief glimpse of the new Guns N Roses 3D movie being released this summer in January, and now a full trailer...

Latest News

Extol are absolute legends, and for the first time in eight years they're doing some new music along with a documentary. On a scale...

It's Just Business

For all the crap I give Metallica about licensing their name and image for shitty things like ties, jigsaw puzzles and Monopoly games, I...

Fuck Yes!

When you create something this fucking awesome, you have to give yourself some time to prepare. That is why details have been announced seven...

Latest News

Asking Alexandria are apparently next in the extremely long line of bus mishaps over the past year, and it's not even their fault.


Before the weekend rolls into town, we figured we'd post about all the new music that just surfaced on the internet that we haven't...


I was onboard with seeing Rob Zombie's new movie, The Lords of Salem from the moment I saw the blasphemous trailer. There has since...

Fuck Yes!

Yeah, that's the logo for an upcoming indie Xbox 360 shooter-style game titled Death Goat. Shockingly, it features some sweet jams.

Tour Dates

Metallica is back for round 2 of it's fully curated festival. It's happening in Detroit at Belle Isle, June 8th and 9th, and today,...

Upcoming Releases

Many consider Iron Maiden's Maiden England tour in 1988 to be their best ever. Maiden might just agree, as their most recent tour featured...

Injection Reflection

It's been a pretty massive week for metal news, with the trial of Randy Blythe, bands calling out other bands, members jumping ship, bands...