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We were shocked to learn that British metalcore act Sylosis got into an RV accident when they crashed into a tractor trailer two nights...

Latest News

We have some breaking news to report. Sylosis, who were on the road touring with Trivium, Devildriver and After The Burial were involved in...

Upcoming Releases

This seems to be the year of the all-star groups; some better than others, but definitely a lot this year.  Today, we have a...


I have to admit, with less than a month until the 3D-IMAX release of Metallica's 3D movie, I'm kind of getting excited to see...


Toxic Holocaust have always been good for solid albums, but Chemistry of Conciousness is just something else… damn.


If there were ever a documentary that I've been extremely interested in seeing, it's this. There's no way I could possibly summarize what these...

Latest News

With Metallica's 3D movie, Through The Never on the horizon, the band is getting into full promo-mode with some killer announcements this morning, mainly...


Third studio trailer for the upcoming SOULFLY album – out Oct. 7th on Nuclear Blast Entertainment. Watch the previous update here. Lyric video for...

Upcoming Releases

It looks like Avenged Sevenfold is taking album marketing to the next level for their upcoming release Hail To The King. Today, frontman M....

Tour Dates

Death Angel recently revealed some killer stuff about their upcoming album along with a trailer, which by itself is awesome. Now we get to...


Protest the Hero have been known to release studio updates that about 5% music and 95% random crap, and this one is… well, a...

Latest News

Trials and tribulations aside, Kataklysm are all geared up to start the media frenzy around Waiting for the End to Come! Fun fact; it's...

Latest News

Throughout the teaser trailer and the long-form theatrical trailer released this weekend, the one question I've had about Metallica's upcoming 3D movie, Through the Never is...

Upcoming Releases

We thought we knew what the set list would be for Metallica's Through The Never based on their setlist but turns out there were...

Injection Reflection

Did metal take the week off? I mean, I know it's summer and all but it seems like barely anything happened this week, other...


How pleasant! Minsitry's Al Jourgensen is not a man who keeps quiet about his opinions, he shouts them from the rooftops. And, while on a promo...

Upcoming Releases

The release date has been set for the debut album from Scar The Martyr, the new supergroup led by Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison, for October...


Chimaira is definitely up there in the respected names of metal. The band, their music, and their iconic players have gone down to become...


Seeing as though Slipknot have some downtime and won't be going into the studio until early 2014, percussionist M. Shawn Crahan has kept himself...

Injection Reflection

The week back after a holiday is always a tough one, but this week proved to be packed with big news items. Here are...

Sick Art

It's so pretty! I can't wait for the album to be released. Yesterday, the band released the first trailer for the album, and last...


Studio trailer for the upcoming SOULFLY album, which is released in Fall of 2013. This will be the first Soulfly record on Nuclear Blast...

Fuck Yes!

NYC based blood artist Vincent Castiglia is truly a master of his artistic medium, one so unique I've featured his work on Metal Injection...