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A few weeks ago, we learned that WWE superstar Paige is dating Attila bassist Kalan Blehm. They have been dating for a few months now,...

The Thinking Man

Check out this display of melodic djent with Lunaform

Celebrity Metalheads

"Now that you said I'm a pussy I'll do it. I'm playing a little bit of double bass now."


Corey Taylor and Halestorm, who are playing the fest show their support for the cause as well.

Celebrity Metalheads

"I was a big Primus fan growing up. I was obsessed with them… I was really drawn to them because they were so different."

Upcoming Releases

Living Colour, Morbid Angel, Celtic Frost, Kreator, Voivod, and Jungle Rot too.


The new record from Krosis, Solem Vatem, is an interesting take on how to innovate an otherwise formulaic genre. Krosis are able to take...

At The Movies

This is not a joke. John Travolta is the lead in a new movie directed by Fred Durst based on his life.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

Latest News

Our favorite late night heavy metal talk show, Two Minutes To Late Night, is something we've talked about numerous times. Despite their hilarious antics,...


Ministry's 14th studio LP, AmeriKKKant, packs a whole lot of political commentary, along with a whole lot of industrial metal

Latest News

"We've all been blessed with a life we only get to live once. So don't waste it. I love you all."

Upcoming Releases

It's happening! Like, for real this time.

Upcoming Releases

He also admits Super Collider and Risk kinda suck.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a split release with My Minds Mine and Sick of Stupidity.

Tour Dates

When Slayer announced their upcoming tour would be their last tour ever,  there was unprecedented demand for tickets. For example. the Dallas stop of...


The prog giants have an illustrious discography. How does the first part of their double album stack up?

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Joe Mama, who had the best zinger: "The looks of everyone the moment James farts really...


 When heavy metal leaks into other disparate genres, incredible things can occur…

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some fuzzy goodness, lots of musical diversity, a split from two groups of crazy people, and more! To the metals...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about learnin' guitar, farts, penis moldings and stromboli. We then learn about stem cell injections for penis enlargement, AntiFa,...