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Search results for "fag"

Go See This Fucking Band

We've all joked about it before, but what happens when someone actually tries to bring a "one-man band" to fruition? That someone is Via...

Latest News

The story goes Josh Homme was playing a fest and was pretty sick, and then some kid threw a bottle at him. So he...


First off all, never did I think that I would be blogging about Madonna covering a metal band like ever. But she did! At...

Latest News

Sam Dunn is back! The dude who made arguably the best metal documentary ever, Metal: A Headbangers Journey, returns with a follow-up doc called...


The video for CHILDREN OF BODOM's Blooddrunk is up and  its your standard COB affair. Keyboard driven intro, check. Über-technical riffage, check. Vidal Sasoon...

Latest News

Earache Records has issued the following press release: Legendary death metal outfit DEICIDE have begun work on their ninth studio album at Florida's Morrisound...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Hey, it’s me G. Dubs, low end of the prog rock tri the Red Chord. You asked advice/stupid questions about my band and I...

Tour Dates

SKINLESS have announced their current touring itinerary: SKINLESS and IMPALED Mexican tour: September 05 – Tepic Nayarit, El Bar Billabar September 06 – Guadalajara,...


The band name just conjures up images of emo/screamo bands making music being depressed about a breakup. I mean, you have to admit that...


You can see some pictures from the “Not Alone” video shoot at the ALL THAT REMAINS MySpace page. GENERAL SURGERYhave parted ways with vocalist...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That's Greg Weeks, he's the bassist of the wildly popular group, THE RED CHORD. He is quite knowledgeable about many things, if you ask...

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Sven De Caluwé (vocalist of the Belgian gory death metallers ABORTED) has quit his gig as the drummer of Belgian razorgrind warriors LENG TCH'E....

Ask Me...I'm Right

[swf width="500" height="93"]https://metalinjection.net/blogs/greg.swf[/swf] Greg Weeks is not only the basisst of one of the coolest, heaviest bands on the scene right now, THE RED...

Ask Me...I'm Right

dear greg, first off you are all that is awesomeness! and i bet you get laid more than gene simmons (zat faggot)! here's my...