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Latest News

Ivan Moody relates to Kanye West, a guy he had less than favorable words for in the past.

Bummer Alert

Moody was dealing with the death of his mother, which happened that day, and after a few songs, he could not continue.

Weekly Injection

Happy Black Friday to you all! Good luck if you're dumb enough to be out in that shit. To everyone else, here's some metal...


They're cool now, but Snider does not like Corpse's debut.

Upcoming Releases

Mastodon is all about paying tribute to loved ones.

Injection Reflection

What a crazy week in the world of metal – so many new songs from big bands and some fun new videos. Here's what...

br00tal Comedy

As a sequel to his incredibly popular playthrough on a Hello Kitty drumkit. Portnoy upgraded to a Pokemon kit this time and plays some...


“When I first met him, I actually thought he was a bathroom attendant,” posted another. “I tipped him, and next thing I know, I’m...


This new supergroup featuring members of Mastodon, Dillinger Escape Plan, Alice in Chains and Mars Volta takes listeners comfortable with those bands down a...

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...

Upcoming Releases

Have you ever wanted to hear Evanescence vocalist Amy Lee cover songs like Sesame Street's classic "Rubber Duckie," the Beatles' "Hello Goodbye," and the...

br00tal Comedy

I guess after seeing Tom Araya shred on a mandolin, Youtuber Rob Scallon decided to make another Slayer ukulele cover, this time with the...

Dank Slams

This German four-piece have been slammin longer than your dad's been slammin your sweet aunt Betsy, which is 1996 to be exact (kinda fucked...

Latest News

"There’s so much stuff going through my head. Like, ‘Am I going to see my mom? What’s going to happen?’"

Weekly Injection

This week's edition includes lots of great prog, a Rattata, a supergroup, a Rattata, some spooky shit, ANOTHER FUCKING RATTATA, and more! To the...


If you like Periphery, you know what you're getting