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Show Recap

"Don’t be a dick… we’re not the soundtrack to you fighting, we’re the soundtrack to you fucking."

Celebrity Metalheads

The Twisted Sister frontman doesn't like "our image" co-opted.

Latest News

Pretty shocking what albums are at the bottom of the list.

Metal Crimes

All four members of Polish death metal band Decapitated were arrested on September 8 in Santa Ana, California after allegedly kidnapping a woman in Spokane, Washington on...


The contemporary albums in this series serve as tributaries that have, for better or worse, altered the course of the flowing blackness that is...

Full Album Stream

The Spanish demons return in 2017 with a brand new EP and we have the exclusive premiere of it in its entirety.

Dank Slams

Slam. The black sheep of the metal family. Slam. The ugly, buck-toothed stepchild of the metal family. Slam. The weird-ass, lazy-eyed, pervy uncle who...

The FiX

Satyr from Satyricon hosts this edition of The Fix video playlist, with his 6 favorite music videos, including Ozzy Osbourne, TNT, Twisted Sister and...

New Music

Stick it to Nazis and help out a good cause by buying brilliant blackened death metal.


Corey Taylor takes up his pen and shares his thoughts on just what the hell is happening in America

br00tal Comedy

The tone is just massive!

Latest News

The Rolling Stones, Ozzy, Twisted Sister, and The Ramones too!


"I don't begrudge them for their money, I just fucking hate people that are becoming superstars for doing nothing."


Whoever is styling the Kardashians is clearly a metalhead. Just last week, Kylie and Kendall Jenner tried to launch a fashion line where they...


Designs with the Jenner faces superimposed on classic Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, KISS, Biggie and Tupac designs.


Seriously, this is Sunn O)))-esque slow.


I don’t think anyone is expecting Dying Fetus to reinvent their sound at this point in the game. So it becomes a question of...


Frontman Nikan Khosravi details how he got arrested and what the future is for the band.