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Search results for "REIGN"

Best of 2016

Not only is Trevor Strnad the frontman of the excellent melodic death metal band The Black Dahlia Murder, he also pens a monthly column...

Best of 2016

If there’s anything you can say about “metal in 2016,” it’s that there’s no one definitive thing to say about metal in 2016. But...

Best of 2016

Good grief, I can't wait to say bye to this stinky year. Too many deaths, too many tears shed, and too many electoral college...


If you were expecting any amount of originality from Ranger’s second full length, you’ll definitely want to check that expectation at the door. If...

The Obituarist

"I can only read about Metallica, Meshuggah, BabyMetal and Devin Townsend so much before I wonder if metal publications are even on the same...

Dank Slams

Alright. Fuck this. Straight-up, we all know that slam is the new flavor of the month – essentially the new deathcore. I mean, a...


Molten fuzz coming down all the way from Northern Ireland from our new friends in Elder Druid.


Even metal's various sub-genres struggle to contain this eclectic bunch.

Upcoming Releases

Four years between albums, but we're getting it!

Dank Slams

Is there a rule book when it comes to slammin brutality? Does there exist one modus operandi that dictates the why and how of...


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...


Heavy metal is, to quote Mr. Ian Christie, the sound of the beast. Heavy metal is music made for evil; it's supposed to be...


Ars Moriendi are ambitious providing black metal salvation for the French masses!


This might be my favorite Squared Circle Pit yet. I got a chance to speak to longtime WWE fan and wrestling fan in general,...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finland's long-standing reign as funerary kings owes a lot to Riihimäki's COLOSSEUM

It's Just Business

If you want to know how much members of KISS, Foo Fighters, Guns N Roses and Metallica are worth, get in here.


Trap Them basically shoves your head into a mulcher and keeps on grinding with Crown Feral.


Epica has truly crafted another masterful and brilliant work of symphonic metal in The Holographic Principle

Dank Slams

So, gonna get right to the point with this week's Dank, as we have a shit load of killer tunes to dig through! To...

The Obituarist

I’ve got a great round up of 23 solid as fuck new releases (heavy on the death metal) you should be checking out this...


Shit is about to get heavy... Very heavy.


Metal has a long history of vegetarianism and veganism. We tried to delve into why that connection exists, not just in terms of history...