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Search results for "REIGN"

Upcoming Releases

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So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.


The former reigning kings of metalcore, Atreyu, are back, for better or for worse. And the aptly named Long Live should answer all questions...


"People say, ease up, this is just entertainment, but this is not a joke."


It's like it's 2007 all over again.


While ostensibly sounding much like their last few from a production standpoint, Repentless is actually the band's most unapologetically thrash album in years.


With 2015 being the 30-year anniversary of essential classics from Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Bathory, Celtic Frost and other bands, we've decided to take a...

Weekly Injection

Just as I feel metal is in a funk for the year my inbox fucking explodes with promos for great records. Thanks Satan. This...

The Obituarist

As the awesomeness of summer sadly threatens to come to an end, I have decided to round up a good chunk of my favorite...


Are you ready to hear the sermons of Papa Emeritus III?

Bands and Booze

We've seen many bands put their branding on an alcoholic beverage, be it Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Behemoth, Mastodon or even Slayer. August Burns Red...


This two man instrumental metal band from Phoenix, Arizona is releasing their second album via Prosthetic records. After slimming down the band in 2006,...

Upcoming Releases

Well, they may have initially promised it in June, but one thing is for sure… This summer, there will be a new Nile album....


Minnesota metal troupe Obsequiae’s 2011 debut, Suspended in the Brume of Eos, was a gift from the Metal Gods that deftly managed to satisfy...


New album coming this July!


It feels right to have a new Drudkh album arrive in 2015. The legendary Ukrainian band is known for their deep affection for their...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes long-running death metal lads, dreamy git-fiddles and more! To the metals…

Open Metacast

It's been a few weeks since the last Open Metalcast episode dropped from the skies to shove pitchforks of amazing metal into your earholes....