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In case you were looking for an excuse to toke up on a Monday, here's your chance! Pot-and-Cannibal–Corpse-themed death metal group Cannabis Corpse have released...

RIP a Livecast

This Livecast was packed. Fudge packed! Noa returned from touring with Jake and Periphery. Jake was also on air and brought some friends, Justin...

Latest News

Well, it's been three weeks, and Metallica: Through The Never has only pulled in three million dollars on an 18 million dollar budget. I...

It's Just Business

Metallica have to be breathing a sigh of relief. The movie that they've worked on non-stop for the better part of the last two...

Injection Reflection

It was a scary week filled with accidents, fights and unnecessary nudeness. Here are this week's top 10 most visited pages: SYLOSIS Involved In RV...


Five Finger Death Punch are proof that rock radio isn't dead. Earlier this year, the band released The Wrong Side of Heaven and the...

Tour Dates

Looks like we'll not only be getting a new Obituary record in 2014, but also a (albeit small) 2013 tour! Fun fact; you're going...

Upcoming Releases

Turing twenty-five was pretty rough. Becoming "a quarter century old," as everyone liked to remind me, does get you a lot of free drinks...


Yea, I know, Attila probably is barely considered heavy metal but this new video the band premiered for "About That Life" is full of...


"Maturity" is a polarizing qualifier in the black metal community, straddling as it does notions of both artistic development and selling out, a hitch...

Bummer Alert

Boo! Any chance of hearing new Mastodon music this summer has officially been thrown out the window. First, we learned that the band is only...

Tour Dates

Using what can only be described as the ugliest tour flyer of the year, GWAR have announced a co-headlining run of dates with hardcore...

Shocking Revelations

Dave Mustaine is in Megadeth. Jason Newsted is in…well, Newsted. So why in the hell are we talking about them jamming on an old...

Tim Lambesis Trial

A few weeks back the world was shocked when As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis was arrested for attempting to hire a hitman to murder his wife. The...

Injection Reflection

This is the craziest week in recent memory. Between the passing of Jeff Hanneman, this meth lab situation and of course this trial of...


As kids that were born at the peak of grunge graduate high school and acquire disposable income, the 80's nostalgia that American society has...

Latest News

As we all know, Devin Townsend loves recording a million albums at one. Over the weekend, Hevy Devy decided to throw out a couple...

Upcoming Releases

Amon Amarth certainly don't want to disappoint their fans, so they've announced what might be the coolest damn deluxe version of 2013!

Music Videos

This video depicts the band setting up a video shoot guerrilla-style, and naturually the cops arrive. Does the band get busted? Watch the video...


In the left corner, hailing from Chicago, Illinois, known for their sludgy post-metal…it's The Atlas Moth. And in the right corner, from Queens, New...

Fuck Yes!

When you create something this fucking awesome, you have to give yourself some time to prepare. That is why details have been announced seven...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Black Metal History

By the turn of the century, Enslaved had produced a quartet of compelling albums, establishing themselves as reliable and unique purveyors of the blackened...