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Search results for "BUST"

Tour Dates

Now this is a trio of unholiness!


Sure, it's not metal, but it's pretty good if you're into that sort of thing.

At The Movies

Metal and horror movies are not just an excellent pairing, they are inseparable. Ever since the first metal band in history took their name...

Necessary Roughness

This week’s DraftKings fantasy football contest offers $1,250,000 in guaranteed payouts! Here are the details: -$1,250,000 prize pool. – Fist place wins $100,000 – FREE for new users or...

Fuck Yes!

Ghostbusters BC

Upcoming Releases

Last year, Whitechapel launched a crowdfunding campaign to produce a new live DVD and documentary video and the campaign worked like gangbusters, surpassing it's...

Upcoming Releases

After much wait, we can finally see this masterpiece.


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...

Latest News

Christian Mistress is a confounding egg of a band. A half-decade ago, they took a good chunk of the metal world by storm with...


Fortunately for retro-rock aficionados, the guys in Kadavar not only have a firm grasp on the sounds of the 70s, but the song writing...

Metal In The Mainstream

A nice nod to Sevendust at today's huge event.

Latest News

Rap and metal tried playing together last century and it yielded some sketchy results…but rejoice! We’ve gone ahead and found five awesome instances of...

Tour Dates

Some big guns in the lineup!


It’s been happening slowly and stealthily over the course of the last decade or so. Insidious and incremental and bit-by-bit. It’s been so gradual...

Metal Crimes

Ivan Moody's soon to be ex-wife reports waking up to being put in a Jui-jitsu choke hold.


Watertank know how to balance melody, big riffs, mellifluously throaty vocals and down tuned heaviness, regardless of who they’re aping.


When Mutoid Man came crashing into the world at million unexpected miles an hour last year with the Helium Head mini-LP, they did it...


On the anniversary of Ronnie James Dio's death, celebrate the man's extensive catalog!