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Matching Tags: njpw , FJP , JPEGMafia

Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round! The game is simple. Look at...

Weekly Injection

Here's that week I've been holing out for. Lots of good stuff this week. This edition includes some comedy metal, varying degrees of death...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Charlie who had the best zinger: "Grandma was so ashamed of Jeremy's unoriginal corpse paint that...


When they're not offering luxurious getaways to Cleveland, Mushroomhead are putting out music. Shocking? Yes! But the band released a photo for their new...

Sick Art

...and it looks good.


A great look at early GWAR


They sound awesome!

Mustaine Mania

“I keep my beliefs really personal and private.” - Dave Mustaine

Around the Interwebs

If you dig metal and you dig puns, then this is right up your alley!

Show Recap

On Monday March 17th, everyone’s other, other favorite progressive band from Canada descended on The Assembly in Sacramento to headline an eclectic evening of...

Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round! The game is simple. Look at...

Weekly Injection

I keep waiting for that monster week of releases that'll knock me on my ass. It's sadly not this week. Oh well. This week's...

Upcoming Releases

Are we getting new Nachtmystium on May 27th?

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Andrew Weatherby who had the best zinger: "Twisted sister cover band called fisted shitter" Now for...


If that's what makes you happy, then more power to you. I just think it's a bit ridiculous.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Ready to fall in love with two bands today? Can your heart handle that?


Read on as Rob recalls the best and worst parts of his SXSW trip.

Around the Interwebs

Everybody's favorite child toys and heavy metal combine for some LOLs



Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round! The game is simple. Look at...

Bummer Alert

“It does start and can be driven, although I would not attempt to drive it any distance in its current condition.”

Marketing Genius

The modern glam throwback team up with the guy who perfected the glam rock sound.